"Let's get this shit over with, shall we." Loren sighs dramatically, followed with a playful grin. "Good luck Clover." She turns towards her section, throwing a wink over her shoulder before she disappears into the crowd.

It's only when I'm halfway to my own line that I realise she used Hadley's nickname. 

° ° ° ° °

At exactly nine o'clock, our district escort Tallulah Frost throws open the doors of the Justice Building. She is on perfect form, with a pale blue braid draped effortlessly over one shoulder, hanging to her waist, and bright lilac contacts. She appears to have dusted her entire body with silver glitter. We do not call her the Ice Woman in 2 for nothing.

Behind her, the former Victors of District 2 file out to take their seats at the back of the stage. The hulking Brutus Caines is first in line, morning sun glinting off his bald head. He is followed by Enobaria Hart, who used her teeth to rip out her opponents throat during her Games. I met her once, out shopping with my mother, and asked her to sign my arm. When she smiled down at me, the points of her gold inlaid canines sparkled like needles.

A couple of other notable victors follow, including the black-clad form of Sidonia Reyes, the mysterious winner of the 68th Games, who wears a patch over her left eye after it was gouged out during the final battle. And then they step out – four figures straight from an ancient painting.

They taught us about them in history class once, showed us pictures, or perhaps pictures of pictures. In the real old days, millennia before Panem was even a wisp of thought, men battled each other in giant arenas for sport. Mr Goldstein said they were called gladiators.

Of course, they don't exist anymore, but the four people walking on to the stage are the closest thing Panem will ever see to one.

The Hadleys.

Darius and Elena, their niece Liana, and her father Aldo. Each of them seem to shine when the light catches their blonde heads, decked out in their Reaping finery. Darius Hadley acts as if the world would fall at his feet if he asked it to. And judging from the reaction of the crowd, it just might obey. The cheers are deafening as the infamous quartet fall into their seats. Tallulah Frost has to tap her microphone multiple times to calm the crowd.

"Welcome citizens of District 2." She begins in her awfully affected Capitol accent as soon as the shouts die down. "Welcome to the Reaping for the 74th annual Hunger Games. Today we will select the tributes to represent your wonderful home in the arena. But first, I'd like to invite up Mayor Grigson to tell us all a little about the incredible history of our country."

Mayor Grigson is a tall man, strong from years of work in the mountains before he became the head of District 2. We've never spoken face to face, but he seems to be acquainted with my parents, and his daughter Aviva attends the Academy. She's part of Hadley's group of acolytes.

Aviva is standing only a couple of rows away from me, her auburn hair straight and shiny beneath the sun, but I cannot see Hadley from my spot. Even with the added height from my heels, a fair few of the girls my age are tall enough to block my view of the boys on the opposite side of the Square.

Mayor Grigson tells us the story we hear every year. The story of the Dark Days and the rebels, the decimation of District 13 and the declaration of the Hunger Games. Twenty four teenagers called tributes enter the arena - one boy and one girl from each District, who must hunt and kill until a lone victor remains. I look to the back of the stage, at the number of men and women of varying ages lined up in the seats. My District has more victors than any other in Panem. We are the best of the best.

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