Sweetpea: you idiot tell us

Toni: he told me that's why my arm is messed up

Kevin: Betty Ryden is trying to hit Juniper

Betty: you outside

Kevin: yeah help

J.B.: I'll sort Ry out me n Jones used to do stuff like this

Veronica: B can you get me some grapes red or purple ones they are the best ones

Betty: ok your not the only pregnant one here

Sweetpea: well done again Cooper

Betty: thank you SweetPea

Polly: Veronica you want a drink or anything

Veronica: can I have a milkshake and a Jughead burger please

Jughead: now you wanna see me suffer😂

Veronica: hey your not here so I may aswell have fun taking the best things from you

Josie: how shall I put Junebugs hair for you

Betty: two ponytails please

Polly: Dagwood is asleep in the watermelon😂

J.B.: I'll put him on the sofa for you

Polly: guys it's the twins birthday tomorrow and I wanna do a good garden birthday

Kevin: lucky that me and Cheryl and Josie went shopping at 7:00 am in the morning while you guys were asleep

Betty: I was up doing some tea then went back to bed

Veronica: I was just gone I didn't wake up until 10:45am

Betty: yeah cuz I had to wake you up

Jughead: shall I add Reggie because he is the father of what the baby named girl is

Veronica: the name is Raven-Jay Lilith Luna Lodge-Mantle

Sweetpea: who helped you with that

Veronica: Raven-Jay by J.B. Lilith by B and Luna by Cheryl and the last names are by me

Polly: what shall the nickname be

Veronica: besides RJ it will be

Reggie: it will be Vixen Vix for short

Veronica: anything better babe

Reggie: RJ

Veronica: fine😂

Jughead: hey Betts what is the gender of our kid or kids

Betty: I was doing a surprise gender party but someone needs to go and get the gender and how many we are having

Josie: I'll do it Cheryl Kev both of you come with me


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