~The Northern Death~

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The further she walked into her direction, the colder it got which meant she was getting closer to the North side of their Earth.

"Well, Clarke... where are you hiding?"


Three days of walking around the woods and Meave already started to form increasingly bad feelings about where she was heading to. She ran out of food on day two and the water was, as she had forecasted before she escaped, frozen so gaining water grew harder because of the thickness of the ice.

It was unbreakable.

Perhaps she shouldn't have chosen the path that she was determined to follow.

She knew by heart that she could walk from the south of Arkadia to the colder sectors of Azgeda without encountering a living person, but that also meant that the road she decided to follow was much more dangerous for a human.

While her mind and body both knew that the coldness that was present in the sector where she was going to was deadly, the view before her dark hazel eyes only grew more and more gorgeous the further she wandered.

No matter how much Meave used to know about the North, she honestly never expected the cold to be so extreme and she wasn't prepared or used to it at all.

In fact, it was so bad that she could no longer make a fire because of the wood being too wet from the falling snow. The only option the woman had to warm herself up was with the help of the spare clothing that she had brought, but she had already used them and so Meave didn't even notice them 'working' against the cold anymore.

Her body began to struggle with producing energy and she grew weaker as the minutes passed because of the cold and the reduction in eating.

Trying to push all the bad thoughts away to focus, Meave soon figured that she found herself to be on the border of Azgeda, roughly between sector 7/8.

As tired as she was, she forced herself to keep going.

If she sat down now, she would probably give in and die.

Meave's breathing started to slow down and her reflex to hide between two large tree roots was to her surprise just fast enough to stay unnoticed. She tried to listen closely again and what she heard seemed to be correct. People's footsteps bounced onto the soft white snow, causing a soft, yet clear sound. Fortunately for her, they had no suspicious thoughts about someone hiding nearby and she let out a sigh of relief.

Flipping from her stomach to her back, she leaned against the beginning of the tree trunk and suddenly noticed two big feet standing in front of her.

Afraid, her eyes slowly went up to realise a sharp sword was dangerously pointing at her.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." [Your fight is over.]

Meave forced my hands up into a defensive position and she looked up at the man who had her under his sword. The man had short blond hair and brown eyes that stood out because of the white warpaint that covered his face. She stared deep into his brown eyes, shaking her head slowly as a warning. Lincoln had taught her a few sentences in the past so that it would be easier for her to understand his language and eventually she started to ask for lessons herself, making her one of the few translators in Arkadia.

However at this moment it appeared as if the cold and the shock had affected her brain too much, causing her to not be able to think clearly anymore.... definitely not in such a situation.

"Ai gonplei nou ste odon." [My fight isn't over.] Her hands slowly went down again.

"EM-DE LAIK BAGA!" [She's our enemy!]

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