The Unassuming Docks

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"You arrive at the docks of Flamerock Refuge. This place use to be really nice until the Handsome Sorcerer messes everything up."

"Okay then, maybe we should search the town," Lilith said.

--Time skip, a few mins--

"It's a lovely day in Flamerock Refuge, a far cry from-" Tina got cut of by Lilith.

"Wait didn't you just say the Sorcerer messed up the town, why would things be lovely?"

"Oh um, my bad, lemme fix that. Um, it's a eternal night..... and you hear spooky music..... and the whole area kinda smells like butts and dead people."

--Time skip, few mins--

"You've stumble upon hoard of skelliments!"

Brick sussesfully defeated the skelliments.

"You are close to the gate to Flamerock Refuge when... the Handsome Sorcerer's pet dragon appears!"

Our Vault Hunters start to shoot the evil dragon with all their fire power.

"You try to attack the dragon but your attacks do NOTHING!"

Shortly after,

"The dragon takes a mighty shot and...


>Critical hit!"

"Great we done now?" Mordecai asked.

 The players go down and believe that they have failed.

"Tina, you can't start your campaign with a boss fight players can't win," Lilith sighed.

"Hmm, touché, Alright everyone back up!"

 The characters got backinto the game and Tina took the dragon piece off of the game board.

"Damn, I wanted to kill something," Brick whined.

"Okay how about a new boss? He's a skeleton and his name is... Mr.... Boney.... Pants.... ah.... Guy. Is that good?.." Tina asked.

*sigh* "I guess so," Brick agreed. 

"I am Mr. BoneyPants Guy, hehehe."

--Time skip, they defeated the enemy--

"Congratulations the door to Flamerock Refuge is open! You should- you should go there. Go go go," Tina said.

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