Chapter 2

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"Is there even a way out of this place?" Olivia asked. This was ridiculous, she had never seen a way out of this place, everything was underground so there wasn't so much as a window and she never saw the door that lead to the outside but she was sure it was guarded heavily.

"Michael's your way out." Simone replied, "His gift allows him to become invisible and he's able to do it to one other person. That's where you come in." Olivia could see a little doubt in Michaels eyes, she didn't know if he was doubting the plan or his own ability. "You need to be quick, if someone even tries focusing in your direction, they will see you. That's the one kink in his power."

"Where are you in this plan?" Olivia asked. As one of the few vampires that was nice to her, she really didn't want to leave Simone behind. The older woman just offered a smile and ruffled Olivas hair.

"I'm needed here to keep Maverick off your tail. Which judging by the time I'd say it's time." Olivia's eyes wide,

"Wait what? Now?" There was a lot to process in this short meeting. Olivia hardly knew who the Volturi were. She heard them mentioned in passing by guards and even once by Maverick, something about vampire royalty? They were brutal? Doesn't sound like something a newborn vampire should be having to do. She felt like she's in a plan to get killed, but Maverick might get stopped in the process. No one else will get taken away from their lives for this.

Olivia mental struggle was cut short by Simone shoving a bag in her hands with a smile. "Now's the best time. I'm going to go talk to Maverick about what you "found" and you're going to book it. Don't stop running." Fire lit in her eyes as she nodded to Michael who took Olivia's hand and focused. "Perfect." She headed Simone mutter before opening to door to leave.

Michael and Olivia slipped out with Simone but headed in the opposite direction. Olivia never went Simones room, so she had no idea what to expect in the halls. She soon realized it was nothing special, almost a copy and paste of hallways she'd seen many times before. The farther they got the more guards would pass them, causing her to tense up as if she weren't covered in invisibility.

Michaels hand gripped harder onto Olivias and he nodded over to a door at the end of the hall with one guard standing by it. He was huge, much bigger than the ones that would cause issues in the common room or combat training. His muscles could easily rip them both to shreds in an instant. An idea hit Olivia as she mentioned for Michael to stop walking. She focused in on the man, his memories slowly covering her vision as she rewound through time. His human life was nothing special, he got into bar fight, a lot of bar fights. Seemed to spend most of his times in bar, looks like that's where Maverick found him. 3

She went back further to when he was a boy. It was a complete difference; he was a happy go lucky kid. She didn't have time to pick out any details, so she projected the childhood memories onto him. His posture slumped and his intimidating demeanor changed to that of a happy child. He was too transfixed on the memories that he never noticed Michael and Olivia out of the door and into the sunshine of the outside. The change in lighting made Olivia shielded her eyes, as she wasn't used to this much sunlight, only until she was dragged away.

"Time to run." Michael finally said, his hand still grasped onto Olivia signaling they were still under his gift. He was much faster than her and she was struggling to keep up. Stopping abruptly under a tree he looked back at her, she looked like death outside. Her brown hair matted, dark crescents circling her under eyes, eyes dark as they could be. In one quick motion he pulled her onto his back and not wasting time running again. Olivia appreciated the gesture greatly, holding on tight to the man as they went on faster than they had been before. She quickly became mesmerized by the way he became diamonds in the sunlight that passed through the tree branches. But every time it came it was also quick to go so, she couldn't marvel long. She did however check her own arms, wanting to see it happen to her to. She didn't look diamonds; she hardly had a sheen on her arms.

Olivia appreciated the gesture greatly, holding on tight to the man as they went on faster than they had been before. Her throat began burning as they neared the closest town. Humans, she thought. Humans who aren't being tortured so Maverick can teach the newborns, normal humans living their lives. She used to be one of them, and now she regretted ever leaving the US. She used to be normal but now she was wanting to taste the exact same people she used to be.

They didn't near the village, Michael ran around it and continued until night fall. That's when they stopped. Michael didn't look remotely tired and Olivia wondered why she couldn't keep up with him. Sure, he didn't seem bothered by having to carry her on his back the whole time, but she wanted to be that fast. She was kind of jealous.

They walked the rest of the way in silence until a city of stone came into view. Olivia had never seen anything like it, even in the darkness it was beautiful. And so, with the beauty so did the smell of blood. She gripped onto Michael arm, she hadn't fed in over two weeks and it hardly bothered her until now. Michael removed her arm from his as they reached the first building they found.

"This is where I must leave you." He said and before Olivia could say anything he continued talking. "Don't worry too much, you'll do fine." A ghost of a smile made its way to his face. "Just don't do anything to get yourself killed." He said that like it was so easy. The sun had just started to rise and right as it had he had disappeared. Olivia tried to focus on the spot he had just been, but she never saw the man again. Sighing to herself she stuck a hand outside of the shade of the building and let the sun hit it. She still didn't sparkle or glitter or anything as much as she was hoping. She stepped fully out of the shadows taking in the feeling of the sun on her whole body. She forgot how it felt in the time she'd been kept underground, she missed it. But she couldn't dwell long, she had a mission.

She tried speaking to locals, but either the language barrier had been a struggle, or they were tourists who didn't know either. Olivia sighed stepping up close to a woman who was way too beautiful to be real. That made sense when they locked eyes, red meeting black. "Hello," The woman spoke, "Are you here for the tour?" Olivia wanted to say no, that she was bust but it was as if she couldn't tell her no so, she nodded instead. This response put a smile on the woman's face. She didn't know Olivia was one of them. "Perfect, you have perfect timing we only needed one more. Follow me."

She led Olivia to a group of people in tourist shirts who proceeded to take pictures of anything and everything. The tour was rather uneventful, Olivia spent most of her time trying to get into the tour guides, who had introduced herself to the group as Heidi, memories. She wanted to see what was going on with her, but the tour group kept blocking her view of the woman. It wasn't until they entered an elevator that Olivia was able to get everyone still. Even this was futile, however, since the ride down wasn't long to get a good grasp on her.

"Stay together everyone!" Heidi called as they all walked towards a heavy set of doors that seemed to open on their own. It was then that Olivia realized she was right where she needed to be. As soon as the door closed it was a mad house, bodies were fly, screams echoed, blood splattered across the floor. It took everything Olivia had not to pounce right then and there. She pressed her back against a wall, closed her eyes, and tried to hold her breath. It wasn't a body launched itself to her that she opened her eyes. A man that looked in his mid-20's prepared to attack, and even though it wouldn't do much to her, Olivia still panicked and quickly dove into his memories, picking one at random to at least stall the man. She didn't realize what she chose until he was screaming out in pain and convulsing to the floor.

The entire room froze apart from another man shoving Olivia onto the floor, stopping the memory from playing. Her head connected with the ground so hard her vision blurred as she was pulled up violently and drug to the middle of the room. When her sight became normal once more, she saw three men staring down at her. The one on the right glared at her at though he wanted to kill her himself. The one on the left sat down, looking bored but slightly interested at what was going on right in front of him. The man in the middle however, he looked as giddy as a schoolboy.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" His black hair flowed slightly behind him as he approached the girl who was still being restrained. Her body shook in fear with each step. "Ah don't worry my dear. I won't hurt you. Felix." He motioned for her to be let go and she almost fell to the floor once again if it wasn't for the older man grabbing her faster than she fell. She appreciated the gesture but was still scared for her life. "What's your name dear?"

"Olivia." She replied, she knew who these men were now. The Volturi. 

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