Startled, I panicked to see who it was and turned around."You didn't read all of my messages busu (ugly)" Tsukishima glared at me, annoyed.

I gulped in fear and fished for my phone inside my skirt pocket. My hands were shaking, nervous, as I scrolled down his previous message. 'I'll wait at the store below Karasuno, we'll go to school together' I cursed myself inside my own mind before looking up to face the blonde.

"....I'm sorry Tsuki-" his eyes squinted hearing that I almost called him by his surname. Ugh. Must I really call him that? "-goshujin"

He took a step back and rolled his eyes before opening his shoe locker which is coincidentally beside mine. "Read everything the next time, idiot" he muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

I nodded before turning my back and started walking ahead. Only to get held back with a hand placed on my head, a little bit tightly. "Servants wait for their masters, busu (ugly). Tsk" Tsukishima says, before walking ahead and dragging me with his hand still on my head.

Everyone's eyes are on us and I absolutely hate having unnecessary attention. I hung my head down, hoping my glasses and bangs are enough to cover my face. After a few minutes of walking, we finally reached our room and sat down our respective seats.

Still feeling uneasy about our talk yesterday, I tapped him on the shoulder three times. He wasn't turning his head but he asked, "What is it busu (ugly)?" and thankfully it was loud enough for me to hear.

I leaned closer for him to hear my abnormally soft and quiet voice, "....will you really keep that a secret, Tsukishima-san......?"

I heard mutter a small 'tsk' before turning around to face me. Our faces were literally an inch apart but I couldn't care less. I'm not one to blush easily, so I casually moved back a bit.

His eyes stared at me tiredly and for all I knew he is probably cursing me right now. "We had a deal right? I'm not that much of prick to break it. I may not look like it but I don't go against what I said" he replied rather seriously, without spouting an insult for me.

"Stop asking me now, busu (ugly). You're annoying" and there it is. He gave me one last look before turning back and blasting music from his beloved headphones.

As for me, I laid my back feeling relieved that with this, I can protect my sister's secret. Soon enough Yoshida-sensei arrived at started discussing a new lesson. Around 12:30 when our second class with Yuichi-sensei finished, and it's finally time for lunch break.

Without a second thought, I placed Tsukishima-san's lunch box on his desk walked away. Only to get stopped when he called my name. Well, my insult of a nickname, "Oi busu (ugly) what is this? And where are you going?" the blonde asked, pointing at the food container wrapped in a checkered blue cloth.

I blinked a few times trying to think of a reason as to why he was asking something so obvious. I tilted my head sideways before answering,
".... lunch.....and I'm heading out to eat lunch....?" his face dropped to a frown at my answer. What? I only answered his question. Why is he making a face like I said something incredibly stupid?

He shut his eyes for a second, annoyed before standing up and looked at me. Everyone in the classroom started gossiping, asking questions that are probably about how the two of us are unusually very friendly with each other. Tsukishima-san rarely talks to anyone in this classroom, and everybody knows that. I wanted to say that our conversations are far from what their brains are thinking of. Mind you all that it's nowhere near friendly.

Tsukishima-san picked up the lunch I made for him, took my hand and placed it above. He leaned in a bit closer to my ear and whispered, "Servants stays with their masters whenever they eat." he says before grabbing me by the hand and dragging me out of the classroom.

Again with the servant and master shit. I sighed to myself as I let myself be carried along to who knows where. Our classmates must be making a pretty big deal about what just happened and will probably start pairing the two of us all the time. Another sigh to another problem I've made.

It's not even a day into this deal yet I find myself exhausted already. The gossips didn't end there. Since my so-called master isn't planning to let go of my hand as walked along the hallway, even the first years turned heads to check out the girl walking with this insanely huge and handsome guy.

"Tsukki! Hikaru!"

I lifted my head up when I heard Yama-chan's cheerful voice, and I was right, he stood a few steps away from us waving his hand happily. As we got closer, Yama-chan's eyes landed on our hands. Oh boy.

"What is this unexpected development?! It's only been a day! Don't tell me you guys are dati-"

His endless stream of questions were interrupted by Tsukishima-san who squinted his eyes at his friend, "Urusai Yamaguchi" he simply stated but this phrase made Yama-chan stop blabbering.

Yama-chan scratched the back of his head and muttered a small apology to his friend. "Gomen Tsukki."

Tsukishima-san nodded a bit before walking again, still dragging me along. Why isn't he even letting go of my hand? I'm not going to try and escape him, it's not like I have choice here.

Yama-chan followed the two of us, walking beside Tsukishima-san. "Are you guys having lunch, Hikaru?" he asked, exchanging looks between the tall boy and me. I nodded and showed him the lunch boxes I'm currently holding. "Then, can I come along, Tsukki?" the smiling boy questioned his awfully quiet friend.

Tsukishima-san gave him a brief look, "Do what you want" is his cold reply. But judging from the smile on Yama-chan's face, I could tell that it's a commonly used phrase by this guy when he's talking to Yama-chan.

The three of us reached the rooftop. Aftet picking a comfortable spot, we settled down. Tsukishima-san took the blue bento box from me without further ado and started eating. His eyes would widen every now and then, and I internally wished that he would find my cooking delicious.

"Eh? You made lunch for Tsukki?" Yama-chan asked, bewildered seeing that his friend is already eating. I nodded before opening mine and started eating as well. "Ne Tsukki?" called out Yama-chan to his blonde friend, eating continuously in silence.

It took him a while to answer since he had his mouth full, "What is it Yamaguchi?" he questioned.

"I thought you never liked eating bento. Many girls would offer you theirs but you won't take it. Why is it that you're eating food that Hikaru made, Tsukki?" Yama-chan's question turned the whole atmosphere around them awkward. I pretended not to hear since I didn't want to get involved.

Tsukishima-san heaved a sigh before grabbing me by the arm and pulling me closer to him."Listen here Yamaguchi."
He put down his food for a moment and pointed a finger at me. "This girl is my servant. I'm her master and it's her job to cook and bring me lunch everyday. Don't get the wrong idea" he stated before letting go of me and continued eating all of his food.

Yama-chan on the other hand, had a shocked look on his face. "S-Servant? Isn't that kind of too much? Are you really his servant, Hikaru?" he faced me with worried look plastered on his face.


I saw him gulp in nervousness, probably scared of how things are going to escalate between the two of us. Yama-chan opened his mouth again and was about to speak when the rooftop door slammed open.

Revealing a white haired female together with a small black haired boy. I haven't processed who they were and even squinted my eyes to see better. But the moment I did I was pulled back by Yama-chan and Tsukishima-san.

His hand covered my mouth and gave me a stern look. "Don't make a sound busu (ugly)" he warned.

I actually frowned at his remark, but even so, I did as he said. Ah. Is this white haired girl the tall third year he was talking to yesterday?

e n d o f c h a p t e r

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