Part Two/Dos/Zwei

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I flipped through Drew’s music, most of it was crap.  Finally I found some of the good stuff I’d forced him to load a while back.  I smiled and let the music make me forget that what was happening was not normal...or even possible, really.

I was walking behind Zack, jamming out, when suddenly he turned around and yanked out my earbuds.

“Ow!  What the fuck was that for?” I yelled, rubbing my ears.

“Shut.  Up.  If you had kept singing one second longer I’d have just repudiated you right now.”

“Huh?  Repudiate?  What the hell does that mean?”

He sighed and looked at me like I was the most ignorant person he’d ever met.  “The Fair Folk will explain everything to you when we get there.”

“Get where?  And stop looking at me like I’m a noob!”

“A what?”

I mimicked his expression and sighed.  “A noob.  Gawd, you’re such a noob.  Hey ZackAttack, maybe I should start calling you Anoobis.”  I cracked up at my own joke, clutching my stomach and giggling uncontrollably.

He rolled his eyes again and turned back around, walking at an even faster pace than before.

I sobered up my expression and rushed to catch up, putting in my earbuds as I ran.  I made a point to hum very loudly to the tune of my music-technically not singing, right?

Zack put his arm up, making me stop walking, which honestly, was just fine.  I was tired -from my lack of sleep last night- and slightly sweaty.  Not to mention I hadn’t showered in like, a week.  But it was Christmas Break, and I didn’t see anyone but family, so that was okay.  It made them want to hang out with me less.

I looked up from the ground to see two insanely tall men, dressed in medieval chain-mail, with long, gorgeous blond hair.  If they were trying to copy Orlando Bloom in LOTR, damn.  They’re good.  Even the pointed ears were spot-on.  As they approached us, my eyes grew saucer-big.  Hot damn!  These freaks have wings!  Lovely, stained glass, huge wings!

Tall Dude Number One, on the left, had wings that were all colors and shades of orange imaginable, and his companion had, well, pulchritudinous green wings.

They stopped when they were about two feet away from us, and I had to crane my neck up very awkwardly-like when you have shampoo on the very edge of your hairline in the shower, and you need to get it out- to look at them.

“Welcome back, Zackary Pullman.”  Orange wings said in his rich velvety tenor.

“And welcome to the Villa, Alicia Fairfax.”  Green wings added, in his own kingly voice.  

I frowned and looked around me.  Alicia Fairfax?  I hate that slutty bitch!  Almost every night some guy would drive by her house and honk his car horn for her.  And unfortunately, she was my next door neighbor.  So I heard it.  Every.  Night.

“Sorry?” I squeaked, not wanting to disagree with these massive...fairy-people? “Um...I’m not Alicia...I’m Gwen.  Gwenivere Pierce.  Alicia lives next door.”

The two winged guys turned to each other.  Talking rapidly.  

“Is it possible we got the wrong address?”  

“No, perhaps the fairies just got confused.  Although it explains this Gwenivere’s appearance...not exactly that of a Princess.”  

“She’s here now though, there’s not much we can do besides wait for the Repudiation.”

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