5. I'll get to spend a lot of time with homeless cats and dogs since I'll be promoting the new shelter.

6. Sliding in socks with Francois.

7. Seeing the palace's winter garden

8. My skin will receive great daily treatment

9. Rommel will see his own pet therapist again so maybe his OCD will get better.

10. I'll be able to improve my French.

11. Maybe Dad will finally realize I am mature enough for yet another try and he'll get me a laptop for Christmas (once again, it was not my fault that the second one I got stopped working. For some reason Rommel liked it so much that he wanted to make it his own and ... well ... yeah - and Dad's argument that I shouldn't have left it on the floor is plain dumb. Where was I supposed to put it if HIS MOTHER occupied the whole table with her BAGS because, if you didn't know, the floor is too dirty for Vuitton bags?)

12. Maybe it will turn out that someone is actually listening to me on daily bases and will buy me a snowball with my name in it that I find so unbelievably cute and so desperately want but, come on, how pathetic is it to buy one for yourself? Yeah, my faith in the good of the humanity is undying. Masochistic much, ay?

Saturday, December 21, 5:30 am

**Bad Things About This Year's Christmas In Genovia**

1. René will be there and he will doubtlessly get me trouble. He always does.

2. Sebastiano will be there. Meaning, I will have to stand on a footstool for hours modelling for his newest fashion idea that will doubtlessly be killed my McKiller of Joy AKA Dowager Princess.

3. No Harry.

4. I won't be able to attend Andrew's wedding.

5. Dad will be working on his campaign and though no one will say it out loud, everyone will be thinking it is all my fault.

6. Dad will doubtlessly have a new brainless girlfriend (well, at least she'll be easy to buy a present for - lipstick always works)

7. Pierre's delicious desserts will probably result in me needing larger jeans.

8. Posing for new royal portraits. Is there anything more boring?

9. No internet in the palace. Still.

10. Not being able to call home when I wish to.

11. Missing yet another Christmas with Rocky.

12. Yet again not seeing the ball drop in Times Square.

13. All the animals that had to be killed so that some sadist could make a bag Tante Jean Marie will buy me for Christmas

14. Seeing the REAL Christmas tree on the main square will remind me just how much no one in Genovia listens to its own princess (WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE FAKE ONE? WHAT?)

15. No internet will mean no emails to or from Michael. And since I am not allowed to use cellphone when in Genovia, I won't be able to call him either – astronomic telephone bill would raise some suspicion – I mean, who would I desperately be calling every night if not my boyfriend? And I am officially single.

16, Knowing Michael is probably having lunch at Number One Noodle Son or a coffee in Coffee Dante while I'll be dying of boredom in GENOVIA.

Why am I doing this to myself? I mean, really?

Saturday, December 21, 6:30 am

Great, dark circles under my eyes are back. I tried to out the corrector in them but they are still visible.

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