Kidding about what?

Oooh, it's Tina, again.

I love her, I really do but ... she just annoys me.

ILuvRomance: Hey, Mia! I just spoke to Scott, he's looking forward to the carnival. You two will have so much fun together! Anyways, he's wondering if you'd like to get some pancakes before the Carnival. If you do, Boris and I could totally come too and we could have a double date!

Seriously, and then people say I am the dense one?

At least I know what a NO means.


ILuvRomance: That was what you said three years ago. And just look how everything turned out – well, minus the whole breakup aspect.

Remember how Tina used to be so supportive of Michael and I? Well, I came to a realization she doesn't really care who I date – she just doesn't want me to be single. Because in Tinaland, when everything is pure LOVE, you are not fulfilled until you have a boyfriend.

I might be depressed but I think she needs a professional help more than I do. I mean, at least I am still in touch with reality. Her head is flowing ... well, I don't really know where, but definitely not in our galaxy, that's for sure.

FtLouie: Situations are completely different.

ILuvRomance: Absolutely. And Michael is not here anymore.


FtLouie: I know he's not here anymore.

ILuvRomance: So I can tell Scott you'll go? But just to warn you – the double date thing might not happen, Boris doesn't like the idea.

Boris, the only sane person I hang out with in New York. Who'd think, in our freshman year, I would ever consider him to be the most normal person?

Life is really strange sometimes.

FtLouie: Neither am I.

ILuvRomance: I could ask Lana if...

FtLouie: Tina, once and for all, I am not going. I have to pack anyway since I am flying to Genovia the next morning.

ILuvRomance: Just pack now!

Is today national 'Let's Drive Mia Crazy' day? Lana's IMing me TOO! When did I become so popular?

Cheergurl: Tina just told me you're cancelling on Scott. OMG, you soooooooo need to get laid, GEEK! It's just a DANCE! Though ... if you don't go after all, can we still take your limo?

It doesn't get more Lana than this. But she can have my royal jet if it means they'll leave me alone!

WomynRule: POG, did a brick fall on your head and made you realize how dumb you are being?

Dumb? I can't follow this anymore.

I need to get new friends. Like YESTERDAY! I don't think true friends tell each other they're dumb or send each other on unwanted dates.

Seriously. What have I done to deserve this? I JUST WANT TO SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH MY BOYFRIEND!

JoshBell2: Hey, Mia, I heard what Tina is planning. You don't have to go, you know. If you don't feel like it, then you should not go. I can talk to Tina for you if you want. – Boris

The Christmas Princess (Princess Diaries Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz