Chapter 1- Hell Starts Today

Start from the beginning

“Well like how did you survive exactly? Wouldn’t you have been eaten by then?” Still Eren asking. But he was quickly hit by Mikasa saying that’s rude to ask.

“Uh well they never seemed to care much about me. I don’t know the scientifics of it or anything, but they just left me alone.” I said.

“Probably because you're more like an animal than a human. Titans are said not to bother with animals at all. So that just means you’re more like livestock than a human.” I turned to see someone from a different table. I got up from my seat and walked over to where he was. I grabbed his collar and lifted him so his feet wouldn’t touch the ground.

“Do you mind saying that again for me?” I asked, my face going completely serious. “Also what is your name?”

“Uh the name is Jean Kirschtein and-” He said before going silent.

“And what? Are you too scared to say it again? How pathetic. Have you ever killed a Titan before? Or even have come near one?” I asked, sighing. He didn’t respond, fear in his eyes. I dropped him to the floor, saying “what a waste of time”, and walking out the door.

Eren POV:

Y/n dropped the guy to the floor then walked out the door after muttering something to herself. I wondered what was wrong with her, but I didn't want to pry since we just met. I finished my food along with Armin and Mikasa, then we walked out to find Y/N out on the steps. “Hey, are you ok?” I asked, walking over and sitting next to her.

“Yea I’m fine, I have dealt with worse.” She muttered. Then she got up and walked away, over to her cabin. Armin, Mikasa, and I all stood there wondering what her deal was. Little did we know what she truly was.

~ time skip ~

Your POV:

It was the next day at breakfast. I got up extra early to do my normal workout to keep up with my daily schedule. So now I was a little more tired than usual. I walked in and grabbed my food, then sitting by myself once again. Armin, Eren, and Mikasa didn't come sit with me today. I was a little upset, but making friends was never something I needed to do. I finished eating along with everyone else and now we were outside. We were going to train how to use the 3DMG. I already knew how to, so I just layed down on the grass in the back and relaxed. I saw everyone else go, some being pretty good with others missing the mark.

"Cadet, what do you think you're doing?!" Shadis came over to me, hovering over my face.

"Relaxing sir." I said.

"Well it's your turn, so you better not mess up!" He replied.

"I think I'm good sir. I already know how to use the 3DMG." I said, still laying the grass.

"Don't get cocky now, cadet!"

"I'm not, I'm just simply telling the truth. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to." I sighed, slightly closing my eyes.

"Well if you are so good, cadet. Then show us all how it's done! Then you must run until the sun sets!" He ordered.

I got up, sighing. "I will do what you ask, but running doesn't do anything. Except raising stamina that I already have. So I'm going to pass on that." 

"CADET! I gave you an order!"

"And I said no. Simple as that." I said, walking over. I got hooked up, then they started lifting me up. I stayed completely still and balanced. Then I put my hands behind my head, and leaned backwards a bit, getting more comfortable. "Do I need to do anything else?" I asked. I didn't get a response, then they just lowered me down and dismissed everyone. Except I got a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Go to Captain Levi. He is going to teach you a lesson, and that is an order!" Shadis ordered. 

I just nodded and walked off. 'At least I don't have to run.' I was taken over to his office. It was pretty far away from where I was training, but I didn't mind. I would get to talk to the Survey Corp's Captain. I had seen him many times out beyond the walls. But we never interacted, probably for the better.

I knocked on the door and heard a quick 'come in'. I walked in and was told to 'sit down'.

"Why are you here, cadet?" Levi asked.

"I was sent here. Something about teaching me a lesson." I replied.

"Is that right?" He smirked, then got up. He walked right in front of. Surprisingly he was taller than me (Just go with it) which was annoying. Then he went a fist straight towards me. I caught his fist with my hand. He seemed to be shocked.

"How many Titans have you killed Levi?" I asked, still gripping his fist.

"About 200. I am humanity's strongest after all." He said, seeming proud.

"Right." I said, then letting go of his fist. He went over and sat back down in his chair. He seemed quite angry with me. 

"Have you ever seen a Titan, cadet?" He asked, his eyes glaring right at me.

"Well of course. I have killed many, my kill amount right now should be at least over 1000. But after these 3 years I expect to be reaching around 2000." I said.

"Are you pulling my leg, cadet?" He asked.

"Of course not. I'm not one to lie." I said, smiling a little.

"Tch, you're dismissed." He said.

I stood up and walked towards the door. But before I left I said "Thanks for the chat Levi. It had been really nice to finally meet you after all these years." 

"That's Captain to you." He said, growing angrier.

"Well if we are going by fun names then you can call me the 'Dark Soldier'." I said then walking out the door.

Levi POV:

'Dark Soldier? What the hell is that girl talking about. Then someone else walked into my office. It was Commander Erwin. "Commander, do you know who that girl is?" I asked.

"Yea, she is a new cadet from this year. Y/N L/N I think it was. She is quite something, on her first day she said she was from outside the walls." He responded.

"We need to keep an eye on her." I said.

Then Hange walked in, she must have noticed Y/N coming out of my office. "Captain who was that? I don't know if I ever have seen someone shorter than you."

"Just a cadet. She needed to be taught a lesson about something." I responded.

"How many laps does she have?" Hange asked.

"I didn't give her any." I muttered.

"Cleaning duty?" She asked.

"Uh no." I muttered again.

"Captain you didn't even give her a punishment or anything? Since when were you so nice?" Hange seemed stunned, I could tell that Commander Erwin was shocked too. I could feel a little heat rise to my face. 'She's just a damn brat.'

"Captain?" Hange asked, leaning over my desk.

"What?" I responded.

"Are you feeling ok? You seem to be getting red." She said.

"Yes I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said.

She just giggled and walked out the door. The Commander following close behind her. 'Just a damn brat.'

~ End of Chapter 1 ~

1931 words

Walls Are Meant To Be Broken (AOT × Reader) (On Hold + Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now