𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 :: 27

Start from the beginning

"I  um - I told Jimin's father about him being gay," he told slowly and he could see Jungkook's fists curls in his peripheral vision.

"Why would you do that? When? Why does his sexual orientation concern you?!" Jungkook shouted and Hoseok flinched, staring down shamefully into his lap.

"You know damn well how hard it was for you to tell your parents and how they reacted once you did! What were you fucking thinking, Hoseok? Jimin spent long enough coming to terms with who he was and now you're going to make him doubt himself because you couldn't keep your jealousy in check!" Jungkook roared and without one second later, he hopped out of the vehicle. He paced the parking lot with his hands tugging at his hair, stressed.

"How long ago did you tell him?" Jungkook asked, worried.

"A few days ago, I think. But nothing has happened to Jimin yet so that must mean it went over well, right?" Hoseok pitched after he crawled out of his vehicle, rounding it to meet the brunette's tense frame.

"His dad is a fucking asshole, Hoseok. It doesn't matter if nothing has happened to him yet because that doesn't mean something won't happen. You and me both really have no idea just how cruel he can be. I've witnessed enough but who knows how far he'll take it - I have to see if Jimin's at school today," Jungkook's words were racing to spill from his mouth and his heart was pounding in his chest at the possibilities.

"Let me help--"

"No!" Jungkook shouted. "You've done enough. Just worry about yourself and let me worry about my boy," he demanded and then he hurried out of the parking lot, into the school leaving Hoseok a stressed mess.

As soon as Jungkook entered the building, the first thing he did was search for Jimin. He searched everywhere and anywhere, and the classes had started by now. He stopped in front of his locker, fingers curling around his hips as he stared down either ends of the hallway, worried. He had even texted him multiple times, yet got nothing in return. The worst of possibilities began racing in his mind until he caught the ravenette exiting the bathroom with his reading material clamored against his chest.

Without a second thought, without processing his actions, he ran up to Jimin and began to inspect his body.

"K-kook?" Jimin said and then his cheeks shone a bright, bright red as soon as his cheeks had been cupped and a pair of soft lips pressed against his own. He squeaked into it and his eyes widened, scared that people could be watching.

And then Jungkook backed away briefly, pulling the boy into his warm embrace. "You're okay," he breathed and Jimin still felt his body warming as he had no choice but to stand on his tippy toes and perch his chin on the boy's shoulder.

"K-kook, people will see us," Jimin stuttered and Jungkook held him for five more seconds before pulling away.

"Sorry," he apologized quietly with a sheepish smile.

Jimin's cheeks were rosy red and the tips of his ears were just the same as he looked around them, glad that all of the classroom doors were closed. He hugged his books tighter to his chest. "What's going on?" he asked as he finally took in Jungkook's disheveled state.

Jungkook quickly ran another hand through his hair, trying to tame what he'd created due to his stress. "Have you seen your dad recently?" he asked.

Jimin's brows furrowed. "No. He went away on a business trip just a few days ago but I think there was something he wanted to talk to me about before he left. Why?" he asked and Jungkook exhaled softly in relief.

"Kook, what's going on? You're scaring me," Jimin told with a worried look molded onto his face.

"Can I talk to you, Jimin? Somewhere private?" Jungkook asked and the boy in question nodded his head unequivocally, following behind the brunette as soon as he started walking.

Soon they reached outside of the school and Jimin struggled to keep up with Jungkook, nearly tripping and dropping his books on the ground.

"Jungkook, wait up. You're moving way too fast," Jimin mumbled frustratedly and finally they came to a stop as soon as they reached the side of the school, sheltered from any wandering eyes or listening ears.

Jimin stared at Jungkook's tense back and he chewed on his lower lip, deciding to place his books on the ground. He approached him slowly, wrapping his arms around the brunette's body, holding him close. He leaned the side of his face against the spot between his shoulder blades.

"Please talk to me," he mumbled into his back, pressing small kisses into his shirt. "Are you stressed? I'll listen. You know I always will."

At this Jungkook turned around slowly, wrapping his arms around the boy's smaller frame. He pulled him closely into his chest, resting his chin on top of his black head of hair.

"You mean so much to me, Jimin," the brunette said and Jimin peered up at him past his long lashes, smile on his lips.

"I know, Kook--"

"No, Jimin. I - Gosh I don't know how to tell you this," Jungkook interrupted and moved his hands to cup the ravenette's face, staring down deep into his twinkling eyes. He brushed his bottom lip.

"Tell me what, Kook? You're worrying me," Jimin stated, placing his own hand against Jungkook's. He rubbed his knuckles tenderly with his thumb.

"I... I love you, Jimin," Jungkook started and then he looked down to his feet, curling his lips in. "I love you so much and I--" he was interrupted as Jimin curled his finger beneath the brunette's chin, lifting his head up. He stood to his tippy toes, placing his hands on either side of Jungkook's face as he connected their lips in a sweet, passionate kiss.

All of Jungkook's worrying immediately dissolved as he felt the smaller boy's warmth consume him. He removed his hands from the boy's face and to his waist instead, pulling him close until their lowers bodies were pressed together.

Jimin gasped softly and his mouth parted, allowing Jungkook to slip his tongue into the ravenette's mouth, claiming him as his own. Swallowing Jimin's impatient whines, the brunette finally pulled away and they pressed their foreheads together, breathing heavily.

"Is that why you were so stressed, Kook?" Jimin questioned and Jungkook nodded his head benignly with a sweet smile.

"I love you, too," Jimin breathed and pulled Jungkook in for another hug, holding him close. "So much," he said. But soon, he heard small sniffles next to his ear and wet overcome his bare neck.

"Kook?" he asked quietly when he pulled away, meeting the boy's suddenly sad and red eyes. He wiped at his cheeks, brows furrowed. "What's going on with you?"

Jungkook exhaled, shaking his head. He breathed heavily. "I don't want anything to happen to you, baby. I'm scared."

"Scared? Scared why?" Jimin pressed.

"Jimin... your dad knows."

"Knows what?"

"That you're gay."

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