I tried to tell the police as much as I could, but I couldn't remember a damn thing about the turd.

Once I find that piece of shit I'll rip him to shreds.

After one last round of Recovery Girls quirk they finally let me go. They handed me a bag of painkillers and instructions.

I don't need these shits

Kirishima was there to escort me back to my own dorm. As if I needed an escort to begin with. This whole thing is bullshit everyone's treating me like I'm crippled.

"Hey Bakubro you need help with that?" He asks reaching for my bag. I quickly swipe it away.

"No I'm fine. Only one of my arms is bandaged dipshit."

He doesn't even appear fazed by my coldness. He instead gives me a stupid smile and wraps his arm around my shoulders. We walk back to the dorms where everyone's there to great me.

The doorway is flooded with no room to escape. Everyone's spewing out questions before I could even mutter an answer.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" All the noise comes to a halt and I finally get a moment of blissful silence.

"Guys give us some space. Bakugous tired right now so I think it's his nap time." The fucker pinches my cheek like an old lady would.

"Fuck off E. I'll still blow your face off with my good arm."


As soon as the door to my room swung open I was hit with nothing but cold air. Not only do I hate the cold, but it also causes my still sore wound to ache. I stay quiet and swallow the pain not wanting Kirishima to worry.

"Sorry dude we probably should've warmed up your room before you got here." Kirishima says.

"It's fine it's not even that cold." My lie is almost laughable.

"Well I can help you get settled in for the evening. I know you don't like getting help but it's okay every once in a while." I can tell there's more to what he's saying. I don't want to make too much of a fuss so I let him do as he pleases. He probably just missed harassing me while I was gone.

He insists on cleaning my wound for me which I'm honestly great-full for. I really don't want to have to stare at the thing. I only caught a glimpse once in the infirmary and I still can't get the image out of my head.

He slowly unwrapped the gauze from my arm. He constantly reminded me to tell him if he's hurting me, which only made me roll my eyes.

"Wow he really got you good, huh?" Kirishima says with too much excitement. His eyes lit up as soon as he got the last of the bandages off. He's always had a weird fascination with gore and I could never understand it.

"I only went easy on him because he was a kid."  I scowl.

Kirishima lets out a chuckle at my response.

"This parts probably going to hurt." He hands me a wash cloth that I could bite down onto. I watch him bring out the bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I close my eyes bracing myself for the dreaded sting.

The burning pain stretches out into my entire body and I let out a high pitched yelp.

Kirishima stops and looks up at me. I open my eyes realizing what I had just done.

Did I really make that sound?

Kirishima covers his mouth trying to hide his amusement at my dog like sound. My face heats up and I look down to the floor so I didn't have to look at him.

"Sorry bro, it was kinda cute if I'm being honest." That served him a thwack to the head.
"Owwww." He whines. I get up to grab the new bandages trying to ignore Kirishima in the background.

Kirishima picks up the mess off the floor and puts everything back inside my medicine drawer. I take out the pills from my bag and pop two in my mouth, dry swallowing them.

He awkwardly stands next to my bed waiting for my next order.

"You can leave now. I can take care of the rest myself." He's enable time hide the disappointment on his face. I almost could feel bad. But I've had enough socializing for today especially for a school night.

"Okay I'll give you your space. I'll visit you in the morning before going to class."

I give him a nod and he walks out into his own room next door.

I let out a tired sigh while mindlessly scratching my face. I can feel the scratch from when I was attacked. The scabs are itchy and rough so I try my best not to aggravate them too much.

"Ouch." I hiss in annoyance. I must've scratched too hard. I rush over to my dresser mirror to get a better look.

I raise my hand up to my face and notice my nails. They're.. black? Not only that but they're not even human finger nails. Their long and sharp just like claws. No, they are claws.

Okay, what the actual fuck.

I pace around trying to calm my nerves. Don't panic you're just tired. Yeah that has to be it. If you just get your brain to shut the fuck up and go to sleep then you'll be fine.

I shut off the lights and force myself into bed. I don't even bother changing out of my day time clothes. I toss and turn trying to get comfortable but any wrong movement and I'm hit with more pain.

"Jesus fucking christ why won't these damn things work." I get up and reach over my nightstand to grab the orange pill bottle. I toss it around in my palms contemplating my choices. The instructions say to only take two every four hours, but I'm sure It's understandable if It's just one night.

I dry swallow two more and lay back down. The pain slowly subsides as the rest of my body begins to feel fuzzy. As the endorphins flood my brain I finally feel myself relax and drift off to sleep with nothing but blissful serenity.


i do not condone the misuse of prescription medication of any kind

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