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I sit on the bar stool as he looks through his fridge and cupboards seeing what we can have for dinner , even tho its 11pm. 

"So there is cereal or pasta." He says before looking back at me. I gasp and put my hand to my chest 

"Excuse moi? I expect my caviar with a slice of lemon" I say in a really bad British accent. He rolls his eyes at me, but I can't help but notice a small smile that comes on his lips. He then takes out a pan and puts water in it and then puts it on the stove. He then moves to the fridge and takes out Parmesan, eggs and bacon. 

"What are you making?" I ask while he starts to crack the eggs and only keep the yolks. 

"Carbonara." I can't help but keep down a chuckle which he notices. "What?" He asks

"Nothing, you just don't strike me as the guy who can cook..." He has his back to me and I can see his muscles tense. 

"You know nothing about me Bella." He says. I look at him but he doesn't turn around. 

"Well whenever I ask you a question, you never answer it." He doesn't respond as he puts the pasta into the boiling water. He turns around and leans on the bar counter in front of me. 

"How about this, since you seem to have a lot of question, you can ask 5 questions tonight and I'll answer them." A smile comes on my face. 

"Oooooo, so many questions to ask, which ones to choose??" I say while looking around the room.  "Ok so I'll start with an easy one, what are we going to do this weekend?" It may be a stupid question to loose one of my 5 questions to but I was wondering so why not ask. 

"Tomorrow  I'm hanging out with the boys, so I guess you have to come." He says nonchalantly. 

"Excuse me, what if I had plans with my friends tomorrow." 

"Do you?" He asks while looking over his shoulder. I look down at my hands. 

"No but I could've.." He chuckles and turns back around to focus on his.

"Ok anyway, what are your hobbies?" 

"I like to cook.. and.... well I bet you already know the other one." He says as he turns around with an evil smirk on his face. I look at him for a while before I understand what he's says. 

"Ewww." I say while throwing the towel to dry your hands on in his face, but unfortunately his stupid reflexes caught it. He laughs while I try to get that image out of my head. 

"Ok moving on." I gesture with my hands as he is still laughing. "How did you get so close to the other guys already. I mean you've only been here for like a day." 

He puts the plate of carbonara in front of me while sitting next to me on the bar. "See that's where your wrong, I came here at the beginning of the summer to move in and everything and I never left so I was at a bar one night and they were there and then we became buds." 

I nod and then eat my carbonara which is amazing btw, as I think of the last 2 questions.

"Why did you choose the bedroom without the ensuite?" He answers straight away like he doesn't give much thought to the answer. 

"I don't know, I just chose the first room I went in I guess. it doesn't really matter anyway."  

"ok last question, where are your parents?" He doesn't respond for a while and I turn to see that he has all tensed up. I look at him for a while, while he just stares out into space and I sort of regret asking the question. 

"You don't have to.." I start before he cuts me off. "No its fine. My mom died when I was little and my Dad is a complete asshole that I don't speak to." 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shoul..." He cuts me off again. "Yeah whatever. It happened." I take that as a cue to stop talking and continue to eat my carbonara. 

He doesn't start talking again and I really regret asking that question. It seems to be a touchy subject. I finish my carbonara and take my plate and put it in the dishwasher. By the time I turn around, I see him walking to our room. I then take his plate and put it in the dishwasher before hesitating whether I should go to the room after him or not. 

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