Scars Are Living💔

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Meena looked at her leg only to see that big red soft scar on it reminder of how dreamy she was at the age of her two beautiful granddaughters, Aria and Amney.
They were amazing she thought aged eighteen, young and fierce. Aria was not quite black as Amney got big dark brown eyes pot rounded face and a pointed nose. She was the most stubborn betwixt the two besides that you could never have to guess if they are sisters.

"Bibi, I asked what happened? "Aria shouted her eyes now widened

"Shuushh now , you will wake your sister " Meena jumped in "you know she weren't able to have a good nap last night " she commented passing a look at Amney who was drown deep into the black world snoring soundly on a smash up mat made of weed and grass.

"I just want to know grandma, the scar seems...." Aria said while examining it " it has a scary story behind it"

"Aria" Meena called

"Yes bibi? " she replied

"I will tell you about how I got this mark on me, only because it will teach you and your grandchildren and their grandchildrens a lesson" Meena said "wise people once said 'a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age'

" Bibi now lets get to the story "Aria complained

"Okay okay" Meena smiles "before we start go fetch
water we are running out of and mama Martha will seal off her water faucet soon ,you know how hard it is to convince her to reopen it "

"Okay but promise me you will plait my hair once done "Aria added

"I will , definitely mjukuu wangu" Meena smiled

Aria went off to fetch water, leaving a house silent Meena looked at the scar once more bringing back all dark memories she experienced, with a mum she mourning her dead child, Mia.

The lady with short grey hair ,big dark brown circles around her eyes stood across the front door thinking, how fast life was? She been crying almost every counting day but no not today, but today was it.She felt her soul pull apart ,boiling in anger screaming at the emptiness, loneliness and how cruelest the world could be again she looks back at the beautiful young lady laying on the floor and smiling at her.The wage of her life was Amney and Aria they look like Mia in every different way. Mia was born again but again will die unperceived, she frowned.

"Bibi I'm back" Aria rushed in " mama Martha ni mkali" she lamented
Meena laughed hard these two were good for her late years, all her grief desorbed for a moment hurriedly she rushed out and help the young lady then together went inside.

"You know that's how she is" Meena added

" I know but she snapped at her cat too, who does that jamani grandmother?" Aria said while laughing

"Mama Martha does that" Meena joked out
They both go down laughing harder.

"Now it's time " Aria said she was warmblooded and eager to know.

"Okay, it happened when I was at your age...."

"God! You mean eighteen "Aria snapped
"Yes, I was married to....." Meena tried before being interrupted by her granddaughter's reproach. She gave out an exclamation of dismay.

"NINI??? Married at eighteen?? I could never! " she finished
Meena just looked at her for a moment and inhaled deeply.

"You better be thankful that you attend to school and have a dream to complete with understanding guardians, women don't really have much to be offered out there regardless all the ongoing campaigns about gender equality" she said

Aria seemed a little troubled.

"Then what happened Bibi?" Aria said now calmed down

"A story happened my dear Ari, my story" Meena whispered.

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