Chapter 4

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Sanji POV

 I ran to the mast of the going merry and pulled up the board leading to the boys' room. I quickly climbed down the ladder and ran towards the hammock with Chopper in it. 

"CHOPPER wake up!" I screamed, grabbing the hammock and swinging it side to side ferociously. 

"AAAAhhhhh!" Chopper screamed back, falling on the floor with a thump. "Sanji! What you do that for? Owwie..." Chopper mumbled, still not fully awake, and rubbing his back. 

"Robin is in trouble! Hurry!" In my hurry to get back to Robin-chan, I grabbed Chopper's wrist and dragged him along. I was going so fast that it caused him to be lifted off the ground. 

"Sanji, what in the world are you doing?" Chopper yelled, sounding a bit scared as I ran across the deck, "Put me down! I can walk by myself!"

I ran up the stairs and into the kitchen before the next complaint comes out Chopper's mouth. The abrupt stop made Chopper fall onto the ground once again. "Ugh...What is wrong w-" he begins while dusting himself off, but stopped mid-sentence when he saw the scene in front of him.

Our jaws both fell to the ground. Zoro. He was holding baby Robin, her hands were still on her head, though she was not crying anymore.

Anger boiled up inside me and I saw him holding Robin, my Robin. 

"Marimo! How dare you hold her! Who allowed you?!" I growled. Little sniffles were heard in the room.

"'re gonna make Robin cry again!" He hissed at me quietly, then started rubbing her back. The effect was instant, she stopped sniffling immediately.

"Is that Robin?" Chopper asked timidly. 

"Yep," I answered gruffly, still mad at the fact that marimo was holding her. Why not me? Chopper's jaw dropped to the ground once more.

"Hey, Chopper," Zoro started, "Can you do a check-up on Robin?"

"Who me?" Chopper asked.

"Yeah, you're a doctor, right?" Zoro asked while putting Robin down on the table

"Y-yeah. O-oh ok," he walked over to the table and climbed up onto a chair.

Chopper POV

My jaws dropped after looking around the kitchen. Zoro was holding a baby! How in the world did that happen? Though I remember hearing crying from the kitchen when I was still sleeping in my hammock, was that the baby? I could hear it due to my animal senses, but I wasn't paying attention, so I let it slip once the sound is gone. Then, Sanji woke me up a moment after.

Zoro was wearing an unzipped yellow jacket, his usual green haramaki, and black trousers which are tucked into his black boots. 

The baby was wearing the same thing I saw Robin wearing before I went to go sleep, but now it is way too big for her. Maybe one of Nami's longer shirts, with some modification, can be used as a dress for her. 

The next time I was paying attention was when Zoro was rubbing his hand on Robin's back to calm her. My jaws dropped again. Zoro, he was calming a baby?! What the hell had happened to him? 

Wait, we don't have a baby on the ship, where did she come from? I observed and saw shoulder-length black hair, the only person that had that was Robin. Was that what Sanji was talking about? 

A million questions were spinning in my head like a hurricane building up on warm seas. I was so confused. I looked up at Sanji, he looked a bit mad, that didn't give me any clues, just more questions. I think I missed something that just happened because of all the thoughts I was thinking. Oh well, I better ask if the baby is who I think she is.

"Is that Robin?" I asked timidly. 

"Yep," Sanji replied gruffly. Now I'm sure he is mad at something, but I'm not sure what. Anyhow, suspicion confirmed. 

"Hey, Chopper. Can you do a check-up on Robin?" Zoro asked.

"Who me?" I replied, startled.

"Yeah, you're a doctor, right?"

"Y-yeah. O-oh ok," I claimed onto a chair that will allow me to see Robin as Zoro had already put her on the table. 

Her blue eyes were red and puffy, signs of someone that had been crying for a while, and it was already filling up again the moment Zoro had put her on the table. It seems like she wants Zoro to continue carrying her, but not want to bother him anymore. Her hands were still on her head, why?

"I think she bumped her head on something, not sure if it's bad, but she has been crying about it since..." Zoro explained.

"Since when I turned on the lights and found her on the chair," Sanji finished, letting out a huff.

I gently held Robin's hands in my hooves, her eye was full of fear. Zoro was standing there with his arms crossed, clearly worried for her. "Shh...shh...," I comforted, "don't be afraid, it will be over in a moment."

I put Robin's hands down to her sides and looked at her head. There wasn't anything big, just a little bump on her head. 

"Grab me some ice, would you?" I commanded. Zoro started moving toward the fridge, but stopped when Robin reached out for him and whimpered. 

"'tay!" Robin lisped quickly. I think she said, "stay," but it is unclear, especially as she is panicking. Her breaths becoming shallower and more panic like. So, Zoro stopped and moved closer to her and she calmed a bit when doing so.

Sanji came with the ice, and I pressed it to Robin's head, she flinched a little from the cold. Then relaxed after the pain started to numb. 

"Why would she cry so hard? She has experienced worse before," Sanji asked, "It was just a little bump..."

"Oh, it's because, in her little body and like most babies, Robin is probably more sensitive to pain compared to when she is an adult," I explained, "I also need to check how old she is, what might have caused her to de-age, if she still remembers us and how the de-aging might affect her mind..."

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