XII. Not Everything is Sunshine and Rainbows

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As you sat alone in the common area of Kylo's shuttle, you couldn't help but think about what exactly Kylo had promised yesterday. 

"I promise, I would have never hurt you."

Something about his words made your heart constrict inside your chest. He had to have known his words would upset you, right?

He could see inside your mind for stars sake- the least he could do was understand that talking about your childhood was always a sensitive topic for you. 

But he must have missed that while scouring through your brain- because your immediate reaction to cry had obviously startled him. 

When you were younger, the Knights of Ren would tell you stories before bed every night, even if it meant keeping you up far past your bed time. 

The stories were mostly about Kylo- more specifically why he was never there with the Knights and why being a Commander was so important. 

Of course, they also told you about the fictional superheroes like Superman or Batman, but you never enjoyed those stories as much as you liked hearing about Kylo.

Kylo Ren was your own personal superhero.

When you got older, you were finally able to understand what the Knights were talking about all those years of sneaking out after bed time and listening to them talk to each other.

Sometimes they would talk about you, and sometimes they would talk about Kylo.

Kylo with his "new pretentious job" and "new pretentious title" that came with a "new pretentious base." You never understood why the Knights talked about Kylo like this until you understood the concept of talking shit.

Specifically about your family members- which the Knights did often.

When you got a little more older, you'd sometimes join the conversation. It was fun listening to Lesco and Khuno scream at each other over whether the one word that perfectly described Kylo was "narcissistic" or "egotistical."

You had always believed they meant the same thing, but Khuno and Lesco made it their mission to point out the differences between the words. They never stopped going on and on about how "Kylo only loved himself" and that "Kylo was about as powerful as a piece of shit." 

Even though you had heard all this terrible stuff about Kylo, you never once actually believed it. Thinking of your childhood superhero as a murderous killer was not something you enjoyed doing.

The Knights never understood why you looked up to him so much, but they didn't stop you from doing it.

Especially Akira- who would always go on and on and on about Kylo being the only man in the entire universe worthy of your love. Khuno and Lesco disagreed with this statement, but they never once tried to argue with him over it. 

At the time, these conversations made you uncomfortable. Kylo was much older than you, and a lot more powerful. But the older you got, something had changed.

The last time you'd seen him, you were fifteen. Far too young for Kylo's love, but not too young to admire just how powerful he truly was. At this point, he was still just a Commander.

But now, he's a Supreme Leader. 

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