Let's Begin

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Note from the cat author

I read tend to write or read with music so I thought you might like the song that keeps going on my head while writing.  It's so nostalgic how I hum or cry to the lyrics as a kid when writing, my friends would call me crazy. I'm more a mellow type.

Now I feel so bad that I stopped writing for a long time cuz I thought I wasn't good enough and felt amateur, I know, the negatives, right. But I promise to do better this time.

Anyway. Support the book till the end. Correcting my grammar and spelling is much appreciated after all English is not my main tongue. 

Thank you.

To the story!

Different summary

"It's not how much know  you love. It's how much you feel it."

It was six when Herald's father, Vien Kingsley divorced his real mother then remarried to a young, very intimidating reporter and single mother Patricia Blake. 

There he saw Quinn, standing hand in hand with her mother on their porch, her fiery red hair fiercely swaying from side to side. He can see her chocolate eyes, how he thought she was so beautiful under the sun's rays on her hair. It was love at first sight

They both know it was never been a question of will they be able to love without rumors, so they hid it from the world knowing that the world won't understand the feelings they are feeling inside their chest.

Until Nana, their cousin, a very mysterious girl from their past coming back to their lives right at the time murders of the Greendale students  came to their admits. 

Will they be able to keep their secrets to the people around them?

Or will the revelation destroy their lives they mold to be perfect.


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