Sky: "Tara, when's the last time you saw him?"

Tara: "A few minutes ago. I swear, he was right here."

Bailey: "A few...wh..." she stutters while looking around the room for him not seeing him anywhere and the other three look around as well "Um, call, a-a code pink. Right now."

Tara: "What? No, there's a protocol for a code-"

Bailey: "Hey, hey, my son is missing. Okay? He's gone. You took your eyes off of him, and he's gone. Now you pick up that phone, and you make that call right now, or I swear to god, I will have your throat."

Derek: "Tara, just do it."

Bailey: "Just call the code pink!"

Derek: "I'll look for him." he goes into another room

Tara: "Yes, we have a code pink. A 5-year-old boy, missing I...I'm not sure how long. Um, I don't know. He's wearing a green-striped..."

Bailey: "Please don't just stand there. Okay? Look. Help me find him" she tells the other parents and staff in the room as she tears up "Oh, god. He's probably screaming 'cause he knows to scream if there's a-a stranger. Just...oh, God. He's screaming. He's scream..." she chokes

Sky: "Miranda." she says softly to her seeing Tuck come into the room with one of the daycare workers

Bailey: "What?"

Woman: "He had a nosebleed. I-I took him to the nurse." she says making Bailey turn around to wipe the tears from her eyes

Bailey: "What? What? There you are! Come here. Let me see. Is that...let me see that tissue. Oh, my goodness. Oh, well, then I guess, um..."

Tara: "Yes, you can cancel..."

Derek: "Where was he?" he comes back over to them

Mark: "Nosebleed."

Bailey: "Get you an ice cream. Yeah? Yeah? Well, let's go home."

Tuck: "Mm-hmm."

Bailey: "And, uh, let's, uh, get some ice cream. Here. Come on, sweetheart. Oh, I can't believe you had a nosebleed."

Alex: "You're a name brand. You're like the freakin' Ritz-Carlton of surgery. Who cares if that's why they want you?" he asks after Jackson tells them what happened at his interview

Cristina: "Because he knows deep down he's more of a roadside motel."

April: "Oh, oh, oh, she's going for the soup." they look over at where Holly is walking around the food line

Cristina: "Bold move. She's gonna have to talk to the soup guy."

Jackson: "She's looking good. Looking confident."

Alex: "And she bails. No soup for Holly."

Lexie: "She looks terrified. Why are you so mean? Would you just go buy her some soup?"

Meredith: "No, it's not mean. She's going home soon, and Dr. Fincher says, she has to learn to do things for herself."

Cristina: "Mm. And you're gonna finally have to go to Boston for your interview."

Meredith: "I am not avoiding the interview."

Cristina: "Really?"

April: "Well, wherever you go, just beware, they may judge you more on your personality than what really matters, like your resume."

Alex: "Meredith is not like you. Her personality doesn't suck."

Jackson: "Oh, pizza station."

April: "Oh, whatever! You know what? Those programs can suck it. I'm tired of trying so hard not to be me. You know what? I like me."

Alex: "That makes one of us. You make it so easy." he shrugs when April gives him an offended look

Jackson: "Look, you don't have to not be you. Just be a little less you. That's all."

Mark: "Get up." he comes over and pulls on Jackson's ear

Jackson: "What are you doing?"

Mark: "Claire Hiatt just called to tell me you walked out on your interview. Call her back, apologize."

Jackson: "Look, I respectfully withdrew my application."

Mark: "You want me to drag you out by your ear?"

Jackson: "I..." he sighs when seeing the look on Mark's face making him smile awkwardly at the others before getting up

Owen: "Patient is 18-year-old female Holly Wheeler. Dr. Altman?"

Teddy: "I got the page from Dr. Yang at 2218, and then met her and Dr. Bailey in the O.R. where we discovered that the previous graft had become infected. While we tried to interpose another graft away from the infection, she arrested several times on the table. We had to restart internal cardiac massage, give her an intracardiac epi, and fortunately, we were able to resuscitate her. Dr. Bailey was then able to repair the graft and other than some initial touch and go in the C.C.U., she has been stable ever since."

Owen: "Your recommendation?"

Teddy: "Patient is healthy and ready to go home."

Owen: "Neuro?"

Derek: "Signed off."

Owen: "Ortho?"

Callie: "We're good."

Owen: "Plastics?"

Mark: "Send her home."

Owen: "And general? Dr. Bailey?" he asks and they look over at where she's breathing unsteadily trying to say something

Sky: "Dr. Bailey signs off." she nods after Bailey gives her a nod and grabs her hand in comfort

Owen: "Great. Well, Holly will continue her therapy with Dr. Fincher, but as far as surgery is concerned, she's set to go home. Thank you, everyone, and especially, a thank you to Dr. Grey" they all clap for him "Okay, that's...that's enough. Let's get back to work."

Richard: "Great job, Hunt."

Owen: "Thanks. Thank you."

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