Chapter 21

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Within Seattle Grace Memorial Hospital the attendings all prepare to begin their surgeries

In one scrub room, Addison is taking off her wedding rings and pinning them to the pocket of her scrubs while in another Burke has just walked into the OR as the nurses get him gowned

Burke: "Are you sure my scrub caps weren't in the laundry delivery?" he asks as he prepares to begin a surgery

Nurse: "I triple-checked."

Burke: "You're sure?"

Nurse: "Yeah, I'm sure." she says as he cracks his neck before picking up the instrument

Derek: "All right. It's a beautiful morning to save lives. Let's have some fun."

Sky: "Ok. Ten blade." she says after taking a deep breath and doing a couple of little jumps in her spot before picking being handed the blade

During Addison's surgery an artery bursts, squirting blood out as the machines start to beep eratically and in the other OR's they are met with complications

Burke: "Paddles. Ten joules."

Nurse: "He's having a reaction I have to take him off."

Derek: "I'm in the middle of his brain."

Sky: "We're losing him" she says as they shock their patients and sigh out when the machines flatline "Time of death..."

Burke: "Time of death..."

Derek: "Time of death..."

Addison: "Call it, Grey."

Meredith: "Time of death 8:17."

Addison: "Dr. Rivers." she says meeting Sky along the halls and handing her a cup

Sky: "Cocoa Juju. Glad to know some things haven't changed." she says into the cup while taking a sip

Addison: "Yeah well figured we could use some. I mean four surgeries, four deaths."

Sky: "Yeah. Thanks." she says holding up the cup in apprectiaveness before walking away to the ER

Cristina: "Great. No blood, no guts, no lives to save. It's dead quiet." she says as herself and the other interns along with Bailey come into the ER to see Sky sitting at the desk and a few nurses walking around the place

Sky: "Did you really say that?" she asks looking at her a little annoyed 

Izzie: "Cristina."

Cristina: "What?"

George: "You said the Q-word."

Izzie: "It's like saying Macbeth in a theater."

Cristina: "Please. You think because someone says it's quiet-"

Woman: "Can somebody help us? She's coughing up blood." she says helping bringing a woman into the room

Bailey: "O'Malley!"

Alex: "Denny Duquette." he says as his and Izzie's pagers go off

Izzie: "I got it."

Alex: "He's my patient."

Bailey: "He's both your patient. Answer it."

Nurse: "Two incoming."

Sky: "Ok, uh, Yang, first one's yours. Grey, take number two." she says when they reach the approaching ambulances as they bring out the patients

Paramedic: "Jesse Fannon, 32, unrestrained driver in a rear-end collision. Spider-webbing on the windshield where his head hit. BP's 120 palp. Pulse 75."

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