Chapter 2

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Sky: "So you told her the truth and she walked away from you

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Sky: "So you told her the truth and she walked away from you."
Derek: "Yes she did." he says as they exit her car and head towards the entrance of the hospital
Sky: "Told you, you should of told her the truth."
Derek: "Yeah I know. You mentioned that. Multiple times." he says sighing out before stopping to lean against a wall
Sky: "What are you doing?" she asks turning to face him in confusion
Derek: "Waiting for Meredith. Her car isn't here."
Sky: "Really? Didn't she threaten to run you over? Pretty sure that's a clear indication that she doesn't want to be around you."
Derek: "Still have to try." he says just as Meredith's car pulls up and the four interns walk out of it
Meredith: "Stop."
Derek: "What?"
Meredith: "You're stalking me. Stop it."
Derek: "Did we not communicate last night?" he asks as he follows her towards the entrance of the hospital and the others follow closely behind
Meredith: "Yes."
Derek: "Did you hear what I said?"
Meredith: "Your wife screwed your best friend."
Derek: "Then from that point on, she no longer existed to me."
Meredith: "You had marital amnesia."
Derek: "I bared my soul to you last night."
Meredith: "It's not enough."
Derek: "Why?"
Meredith: "When you waited two months to tell me and I had to find out by her showing up, all leggy and fabulous, and telling me herself, you pulled the plug. I'm a sink with an open drain. Anything you say runs right out. There is no enough." she says making Derek pause in walking as the interns go inside
George: "She probably could've picked a better metaphor."
Izzie: "Give her a break. She has a hangover."
Sky: "At least you tried." she says patting his arm before they walk inside themselves
Burke: "Dr. Shepherd."
Derek: "Dr. Burke."
Burke: "Dr. Rivers" he says greeting the woman who waves a little at him before he turns to Derek "We have an organ donor coming in from Wilkeson General. We're doing a harvest."
Derek: "Commendable, but-"
Burke: "In OR One at four."
Derek: "I'm in OR One at four."
Burke: "Yours is non-critical."
Derek: "You can't bump me."
Burke: "As chief, I can."
Derek: "Interim chief. Bump somebody else."
Burke: "You're in the OR we need."
Derek: "Why don't they harvest at Wilkeson?"
Burke: "Small facility in the boonies. A doc in the box. We have the location, the airport nearby and the staff. Your surgery is rescheduled." he says as Derek looks towards the elevator where the interns are at before walking away from the two attendings
Sky: "You're really enjoying this aren't you?" she says looking at Burke who gives her a blank look before casting a glance at the elevator before walking away as she watches him

Paramedic: "Male, 55, victim of a head-on collision. GCS is three. Depressed skull fracture. Multiple internal injuries. ACLS protocol started, but his veins blew. We've pushed meds down the tube. PEA on arrival." he says as they pull a gourney out of an ambulance
Sky: "How long?"
Paramedic: "We've been doing CPR for 20 minutes. It took Fire 20 minutes to get him out. He's pretty much gone."
Sky: "He's not gone until we say he's gone. Keep coding. O'Malley, get him into a bay and save him."
George: "But he's dead." he says looking at the patient in confusion
Sky: "Did you not hear me? He's not dead until we say he's dead. You know what to do, so do it." Grey? You on this too. Move. We've got three more victims from the other car coming in! Let's move people!" she says as more ambulances come into the bay
Paramedic: "Male, 46, unrestrained driver of the car that jumped lanes. BP 80 over palp. Tachycardic. Last pulse 1 :38. Got two liters LR running wide open. Abdominal tenderness."
Sky: "Any history?" she asks as they bring the patient into the hospital
Paramedic: "He's got a bad liver. He's on the transplant list."
Sky: "Abdomen's rigid. Hands off! We need to page Burke and Domner. Prep this guy for the OR. Who wants it?" she asks as they all shout I and at the last minute so does Cristina "Too late. Stevens, take it."
Izzie: "Yes."
Sky: "Karev! Take the boy. Yang, you take the mom. I want to be looking at their films in 15 minutes." she says as they go their designated ways
Man: "We've got one more for you."
Sky: "What? In there? Oh, ok. What is it?"
Man: "That guy." he says pointing to a man laying on a bed
Sky: "He was in the accident?"
Man: "No. Bowel obstruction. He won't say what he ingested. Films suggest he's packing." he says handing her an envelope with the films in it
Sky: "Can't people figure out a better way to move drugs?" she says going over to the room where Meredith and George are in "Grey! Pericardiocentesis. Good. Any response?" she asks as they shake their heads "Ok, all right, you guys can..."
George: "Should I call it?"
Sky: "What would you do next, O'Malley?"
George: "I would call it."
Sky: "To save him."
George: "Oh uh- a pericardial window."
Sky: "Excellent. Do it. Grey, you're done here. I got a bowel obstruction for you."
Meredith: "Fun."
George: "At least your patient's still alive." he says as the two women walk out the room

Richard: "Stop it! Ok. Stop. Ok? That's it." he says as Derek tries to look at his pupils
Derek: "That is not it."
Richard: "Come on, stop it. That's it."
Derek: "It's not. Hold still."
Richard: "How can I with you poking me?"
Derek: "I have to poke you to discharge you."
Adele: "What makes you think he wants to be discharged? Derek, don't you know that this hospital will crumble unless Richard's here?" she says coming into the room surprising Richard at her appearance
Richard: "Adele. You're meant to be in the Virgin Islands."
Adele: "You are in five kinds of trouble, mister man. You had brain surgery and didn't tell me?" she says giving his forehead a kiss
Richard: "It was a small procedure."
Adele: "It was brain surgery."
Richard: "Didn't want to ruin your vacation."
Adele: "You don't know what one is. How would you know how to ruin it?"
Sky: "Thought I smelled Richard's fear." she says smiling coming into the room
Adele: "Sky!" she says hugging said woman as they smile at each other
Richard: "Well, anyway-how did you find-" he says confused before looking over at Derek "You called my wife?"
Derek: "You called mine. Having someone at home with you is the only way I'm letting you out today."
Richard: "Fine."
Addison: "Do I see a great-looking woman?" she says coming into the room making both Derek and Sky tense at her presence as Richard looks at the two softly
Adele: "Addison! Yes, see?"
Addison: "Hi."
Adele: "I told Richard, I knew you and Derek would get back together."
Addison: "I'm here on a case."
Derek: "Addison and I are over, Adele."
Addison: "It's not like we're divorced."
Derek: "Practically divorced."
Adele: "You've had counseling?"
Derek: "We had adultery. That was enough."
Addison: "I'll call you later, ok?" she says walking out the room
Adele: "You should give her a chance, Derek."
Derek: "It's good to see you." he says kissing the woman's cheek before walking out
Sky: "Keep him in line." she says smiling at the woman before she goes down to check on the interns

Sky: "Where are you?"
George: "I can see his heart. His heart that's not beating."
Sky: "Ok, open the pericardium and aspirate. If the heart's still not beating, close and call it" she says as George gives her an incredulous look "What? You think we're defiling this man's body?"
George: "Well, we're certainly doing more than-"
Sky: "Than what? If they're dead or dying when they come in you hump and hump hard. Why?"
George: "For the experience."
Sky: "No. What else?" she asks as George thinks before shaking his head in confusion "There's something more. You think on that. It'll come to you."

Alex: "Scott Seibert, 18. No fractures or internal bleeding. Got pretty lucky." he says putting an x-ray on a screen
Sky: "Recommendation?"
Alex: "Overnight for observation."
Sky: "Damn!" she says looking at the x-ray of Cristina's patient
Cristina: "Lea Seibert, 43. Multiple healed fractures on clavicle and humerus. Third and fourth rib."
Sky: "She's either a bull rider or she's abused."
Alex: "Kid said the accident was road rage. His old man got cut off in traffic."
Cristina: "That's not the story I got. She has a large yellowing bruise over her right kidney, tender to palpation. Said she got it from a fall last week. She's bleeding."
Sky: "Perinephric hematoma. What do you do?"
Cristina: "It should take care of itself. We'll watch it. She needs bed rest. And a shrink." she says muttering the last part
Meredith: "It's drugs." she says coming into the room handing Sky the x-rays
Sky: "Stupid. Stupid, stupid. One bursts and he's dead in five minutes. Ok, what do we do?"
Meredith: "Run his bowel?"
Sky: "And what does that mean? Yang?"
Cristina: "Uh running the bowel entails removing all 36 feet of the intestine from the body cavity, searching for the balloons then cutting them out."
Sky: "Grey, book an OR. Yang, Karev, you're in. I need all the hands I can get."
Alex: "You sure they're balloons?" he asks stopping them from walking out as he looks intently at the screen
Sky: "You have reason to believe they're not?"
Alex: "This one here's got a face." he says as the women move closer to the screen and Sky turns down the light a little
Meredith: "So does that one."
Cristina: "They all do."
Sky: "I'll be damned. They're Judys." she says looking a little closer
Cristina: "Judys?"
Sky: "He's swallowed the heads of ten Judy dolls."
Meredith: "Eugh."

Cristina: "My mother used to buy me Judy dolls. Manhattan Judy, Surfer Judy, Disco Judy."
Meredith: "I always wanted one."
Cristina: "I dissected them. Cut off their arms and shaved their heads."
Alex: "Sounds like a sick and twisted story."
Cristina: "They're sexist, distorted devil toys that create unrealistic expectations catering to the porn-driven minds of men." she says as Sky comes out a room and gives Cristina a weird look
Sky: "You swallow a bitter pill this morning, Yang? They're dolls. Grey, call for a Psych consult, then see if he has family."
Grey: "Do I still book the OR?"
Sky: "Blocked bowels become necrotic bowels. Check with Dr. Burke. See if we can bump someone. Those Judys got to come out today" she says as Bailey walks past them "Oh Dr. Bailey. What do you know about Judy dolls?"
Bailey: "I happen to know a lot about them. Why?" she asks as Sky hands her the x-rays "Am I seeing what I'm seeing?"
Sky: "Yep. You want in on it?"
Bailey: "Hell yeah I do."

Man: "He's not talking. It could be pica. Doubtful for a man his age. Maybe an Oedipal complex or idolization of the dolls as partners. Or it could be that he simply enjoys it." the psych doctor says after trying to talk to the patient
Sky: "I've seen strange things in strange places, but how does he enjoy this?"
Man: "He'd enjoy them when they came out."
Sky: "I didn't need to hear that." she says giving the man a stern look
Addison: "Dr. Grey? May I speak with you for a moment?" she says walking past them as Meredith looks over at Sky for help
Sky: "You could always faint." she says shrugging her shoulders as Meredith sighs before going over to Addison

Izzie: "I think it has something to do with his mother. Maybe she wanted a girl and gave him Judy dolls as presents."
George: "I got another one." he says holding up a head wrapped in the patient's stomach
Sky: "Doyen clamps to Yang. Grey, push the head to the incision."
Alex: "Mother looked like Judy and he's into voodoo. Instead of sticking pins in."
Bailey: "Yep. Ah" she says as they pull another head out "Black Judy. Before they gave her long hair. Back when she had the Afro."
Sky: "She came with go-go boots and a leather jacket right?"
Bailey: "Yep. Shame. It's a real collector's item."
Alex: "Collectible dolls. New twist."
Cristina: "Seriously? You can identify these dolls by their heads?"
Bailey: "You got a problem with that, Yang? I like Judy dolls. I own Judy dolls. The only problem I have with Judy dolls is they're in the bowel of this man."
Burke: "Bailey? I need an intern in the E.R. to meet the harvest donor." he says coming into the OR
Bailey: "O'Malley."
Sky: "See you, trooper."
Burke: "You good here?"
Sky: "Couple more to go."
Burke: "Karev, Stevens, Yang, scrub out. We need to get an answer from Seibert's son."
Bailey: "Ah, yes. Mod Judy. She came with a yellow Vespa. Wait. You know what's strange?"
Meredith: "We haven't had enough strange?"
Bailey: "She looks a little like you." she says while holding up a doll head making Meredith look at it in a weird way

Derek: "Just when the day was improving." he says as the elevator opens and Addison walks in beside him
Addison: "You told Meredith what happened?"
Derek: "I did. What did you tell her?"
Addison: "Sometimes people do desperate things to attract attention."
Derek: "What? Wow. That's your side of this? That I didn't pay you enough attention? You thought that when you got naked with my friend?"
Addison: "No. By that point, I wasn't thinking at all. I was just scratching an itch. We got successful, you and me. We got busy and we got lazy. We didn't even bother to fight anymore. And Mark was there, and I missed you. And now I'm sorry. I'm more sorry than you can possibly imagine, but at least I'm talking to you about it."
Derek: "Is that the excuse you're going to give to Sky? That because your husband wasn't there you decided to jump into bed with hers."
Addison: "Derek."
Derek: "I'm a sink with an open drain, Addie." he says walking out the elevator leaving the woman confused at what he just said

Sky: "Still have a thing for Judy dolls?" she asks Bailey later on after the surgery as they hold a bag with the doll heads inside of them
Bailey: "Not so much." she says looking at the bag in disgust before she throws them away and walks away leaving Sky chuckling at her a little

Brandi Carlile: What Can I Say

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