11- a͟s͟s͟h͟o͟l͟e͟!͟ ⚠︎︎

42 10 37

richie woke up to a throbbing pain in his head. he put his hand against his forehead and groaned internally at the pain. then he noticed something on his chest. and something on top of his legs.

one arm around him, and two legs over his. they were small, and richie realized who it was.


he examined him for a second as if trying to figure him out. his hair was slightly ruffled yet still managed to look neater than richies will ever be. he had the smallest eye bags under his eyes, and his lashes were resting under his eye. his mouth was slightly open ajar and soft snores were coming out. richie smiled for a second, which was gone as soon as it came.

he obviously didn't want to wake the small boy up, but he had to pee. as quietly and slow as possible, he got up and off the couch. he instantly missed the feeling of warmth that he had when his body was curled with eddies but nevertheless speed walked into the bathroom silently.

he finished his business and throughly washed his hands with soap.

when richie had gone back to the couch, eddie was sitting up rubbing his eyes and a yawn escaping his small pink plump lips.

"morning." richie greeted with a lazy smile. eddie looked up and goofily grinned back and waved at him. suddenly eddie snapped his head to the clock and started yelling.

"what time is it? OH SHIT ITS 10 RICHIE WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!" eddie widened his eyes at the clock that was in the living room and got up, almost tripping on a cushion that was on the couch. richie started going after him but eddie was already bolting out the door.

huh. who knew he was fast?

richie sighed deeply. he knew eddie would get in trouble with his mom, for sure. and for him- well the school doesn't care about him at this point. even if they did call his parents they weren't gonna give two shits.

he was contemplating his choices to go to school or just hang out at mikes for the rest of the day. he decided to just go back to his house, he felt like a burden to mike. they didn't have much stuff, since it was left at the park. he quickly fixed the pullout bed/couch so he wouldn't leave a mess behind. richie proceeded to put his shoes on and scribbled out a quick note before leaving mikes house silently. he was going to go to the park to collect their stuff first, and then go home to try and clean up a bit.


mike walked down the stairs tiredly and fully opened his eyes to see the couch neatly organized and a note on top of the kitchen counter,

hey homeschool,
it's ya boy big dick richie. eddie has to go to school and I'm going to the club with sonia so don't get worried about us hanlon ;). thanks for letting us crash over dad
daddy richie

mike shook his head in amusement and put the note back down on the counter where he found it. he needed to go milk the cows and finish his chores.


richie had his hands in his pockets walking for what felt like forever and finally reached the park. he didn't realize how far the park was when walking, running the night before felt quick. once he reached the spot they had been at, he smiled softly and the memories of the night rushed to his head. they had a lot of fun that night. (except for the almost kiss) even the police chase was fun, it was a thrill and eddie felt like a rebel. richie loved seeing eddie excited about it.

he picked up his bookbag, along with eddies and was surprised to see his bike still there. he thought for sure someone would steal it. he squished the stuff into the basket that eddie had sat on and hopped on the bike swiftly and rode off back home.

this is a very short chapter I know, but I'm gonna be editing some chapters so yeah if you see me "updating" I'm just editing some things :)

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