JJ laughed lightly, "You are the most un-princessy princess."

"Did you just call me a princess?" you asked, looking over to him.

"I mean, you basically are a princess. You're like the biggest goody goody," he shrugged, amused at your offended face.

"Okay, just because I am decently smart doesn't mean I'm a goody goody," you laughed, knowing that you were in fact no angel.

"Oh yeah?" JJ teased, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm not a virgin," you shrugged, gulping down some more of your beer. The second the words came out of your mouth, JJ let out the loudest laugh.

"Bullshit," he said, with no hesitation.

"Just because I seem like the perfect Kook daughter doesn't mean I am. Like I said, you only know me from the surface," you explained, making JJ's face change.

"You know, you might be the most interesting person I have talked to in awhile," he admitted, watching you intensely as you continued drinking your beer.

"I'm not very interesting, I just shocked you because I'm not your stereotypical Kook and because I'm not super outgoing and a crazy party girl, you assume I'm some innocent baby," again, you let it all out in a simple manner.

"You are in fact very interesting, princess," he corrected.

"Not a princess," you let out in gentle tone.

"Well, that's what I'm calling you," JJ laughed, watching you roll your eyes.

"Surface looking," you said, standing back up and beginning to walk away. More people had joined the party. After walking away, you looked over your shoulder to see JJ with the biggest smirk on his lips as he watched you walk away. When your eyes met, you gave him a smile back before continuing to walk away. Some time had passed and you had no idea how many times you had refilled your cup. Liz was off flirting with some cute tourist boys, clearly capturing their undivided attention. In this time, you had also met Kiara, John B and Pope who had all been thoroughly impressed with how cool you were. Kiara immediately said you and Liz needed to come hang around them soon, which you happily and excitedly agreed to. The party had somehow gotten even bigger, making you start to want some space. You walked down the beach a little, sitting down on the cooler sand. With some distance from the loud teenagers, you could actually hear the soothing sounds of the waves as you looked out over the water. You set your beer down next to you and watched the water move in the moonlight.

"What are you doing over here, princess?" a voice asked. As you looked over, you saw JJ sitting down next to you with a smile.

Shaking your head, you replied, "I wanted to get some space from all that." A small silence fell over the both of you before JJ broke it:

"So, tell me something about you not from the surface." At this, you turned to look at JJ. His face was covered with a huge smile as he looked at your intoxicated state.

"I fucking love animals. I seriously could watch videos of animals all day and will probably cry because of how cute they are," you answered, making JJ look at you with a shocked expression.

"You definitely just played into your princess role," he responded, making you both laugh.

"Shut up," you exclaimed, shouldering his body gently. "What about you? What's something deeper about you?"

"I really fucking like music," JJ said. "Like I feel like listening to music makes everything better. It like puts a whole new mood on every moment when you listen to certain music. Some songs make me cry like a little bitch."

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