Pent Up

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It had been a few weeks since the test and sure enough, you had been lectured by Lucifer for your not-so-fantastic grade. Lucifer was watching you closely with your schoolwork now and it made you understand why the other brothers got so fed up with him. Still, you weren't necessarily upset at Lucifer, even if his demands were exhausting.

You sat at your desk, one leg under you and the other pulled close to your chest as you texted away on your DDD and scrolled through Devilgram, liking all the brothers' posts. Your study notebook Satan gave you when he heard you were struggling laid on the desk in front of you, open yet untouched after that. You spun around in your chest a bit as you texted with Mammon who had another dumb scheme going on. You just blindly supported him knowing damn well that he wasn't going to listen to your criticism anyway.

The door to your room opened without a knock and you stopped spinning to see a spinning Lucifer in your doorway.

"Heyyyyy, man." You greeted. You struggled to get the world to stop going topsy turvy on you.

"(Y/N). How has your studying been going?" Lucifer's tone gave the impression that he had just dealt with Mammon's stupidity again.

You looked at your notebook then back at him, "Well, ummmm..." You gave an awkward look and shrugged your shoulders. "Not the best, but who cares?"


Such a scary man, you thought as you sighed and set your DDD down and turned to the notebook, giving the impression you were now going to work. You glanced over to your door and Lucifer wasn't leaving. You looked at the paper, getting nervous and trying to focus so it definitely seemed like you were working and he still didn't leave. After several minutes, you glanced towards your DDD, so tempted to grab it. Lucifer came over and picked it up.

"Hey! Don't touch that!" You cried out.

"It's clearly a distraction and if you're going to get distracted easily then I'm going to sit here and make sure you work." Lucifer tucked your DDD away into his pocket and gazed at you, a look cold as ice. You looked away stubbornly. "Do I need to punish you for your laziness?"

You scoffed, anger building up. "Laziness? Is that what you think it is? Shows you don't know a damn thing about me." You refused to look at him as you continued, "It's not like I choose to not be able to focus, but no matter what I do it's like my brain hates me and refuses to let me do anything I actually need to do. So don't you say a thing about it until you know what it's like to have a breakdown over your schoolwork." You couldn't think you were so pissed off. You got up from your seat and stormed out. Lucifer called after you, ordering you to stop, but you didn't stop at all as you went towards the foyer and grabbed your jacket before storming out of the House of Lamentation.

You walked towards the bar that Asmodeus had showed you to once. Even though the demonic alcohol had no effect on you, you still felt like getting a drink to let off some steam and you had some Grimm still saved up from the last job you worked with Belphegor. You sighed and sat on the bar stool as you bought yourself a nice drink.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)!" You turned and saw Asmo there with some guy. "What are you doing here? Did you come to see me knowing I was here~?" You shook your head and looked away, taking your drink from the bar tender and taking a sip.

"Asmo, come on. I want to go see those private rooms you told me about. We can have all kinds of fun~" The guy butted in.

"Ah, you're right~ I can't let you down now~" Asmo replied. "I'll see you later, (Y/N). I promised this man a good time and he deserves to be with someone as beautiful as I am~" Asmo went back into the private rooms with the man and you tried to cleanse your mind immediately of the past few minutes.

After a few drinks and chatting with the bartender a bit, you finally decided to head home. You didn't get very far when a certain someone came up to you and linked arms with you.

"I'm astounded you didn't wait for me darling~" Called the avatar of lust himself. "You just up and left me without even a simple goodbye. Were you that jealous~?"

You scoffed and retorted, "Says the one who ditched me for some guy. Can't believe you finished that quickly. I only had a few drinks."

"He didn't have too much time to spare~" Asmo smiled so innocently yet it always seemed devious to you. "You can just say you're jealous, you know~"

"Except I'm not." You replied, giving Asmodeus an angry look. "I only went there to get away from Lucifer and his demands."

"Oh yeah, I totally get that. He can be so suffocating. It's bad for my health to strain myself doing what he expects." Asmo groaned in that whiny way he always complained.

You rolled your eyes and entered the House of Lamentation with Asmo behind you. Lucifer walked right up to you as soon as you stepped in. His arms crossed as he glared at you, about to explode at any moment.

"You went out with him? When you should be studying?" Questioned the angry, prideful mother of the house.

"He just happened to be at the bar." You defended. "And he followed me back here like some needy little puppy. I just went out for a drink."

You walked off, attempting to bump Lucifer's shoulder as you went by and failing, but you didn't care.

"Go to your room right now and start studying." Lucifer commanded.

"Make me, mother hen!" You yelled back and went straight to the kitchen. Yet you managed to catch the last thing Lucifer said, not even trying to lower his voice as he griped,

"Sometimes I swear (Y/N) brings more trouble than Mammon. What a difficult human."

You clenched your fists as you stormed into the kitchen. You didn't see Beel for once which was a relief. You went over to the pantry and grabbed a few snacks then stormed out, passing Beel on the way, and stormed right to your room. Slamming the door as hard as you could, you slid down against the wall and started eating your snacks, attempting not to cry over everything that happened.

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