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I don't feel any different.

I may look different.

But I feel the same.

Like the girl that never had anything to be admired in the looks department, the one nobody truly saw.

I felt rustling beside my ear, chuckles and clapping hands as my overexcited sister pulled off my blindfold with a flourish.

I have been sat here, in this not so comfortable salon chair, for what seems like days, my legs are numb, I am exhausted and I really don't feel like looking at my 'new and improved' self.

I clamped my eyes shut, not ready to see whatever Tiffany had done to me and my poor, poor face.

"Happy birthday, Liss!" Tiffany shouted.

"Thank you!" I replied.

There was an awkward silence as I imagined my sister doing jazz hands waiting for me to jump up and down in amazement. Believe me, I feel bad for not acknowledging my sister's hard work, but I am not going to abandon my post. I'm too scared to take a look. It's safe in my mind, behind closed eyes.

"Wait." Tiffany muttered, "That's why you're so quiet, you haven't even opened your eyes!"

I shook my head, trying not to laugh, let me explain. My sister, Tiffany, works at a salon. A salon which just happens to be where I am held captive right now.Tiffany has been itching for a chance to give me a makeover for a very long time. Around four years in fact, apparently, she kept count. And so, at around eight in the morning on my birthday, Tiffany ambushed me, dragging me to her salon whilst I cursed and cried out on the way. She considers this a birthday gift. And I have to admit, it is very relaxing having people pamper you for several hours. But this is my first time. I am a makeover virgin. And so excuse me if I am but nervous, sentimental even.

"Open them, Melissa," Tiffany said in her serious voice. "before I pry them open myself." 

She was dead serious.

"Okay, okay," I replied, "I'm sorry, Tiff. I'm just a bit scared."

"Don't be, hon! Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about!"

I smiled warily, opening my right eye and staring at my sister.

"Great start, Liss," She coaxed, "You're nearly there... and there you go!"

I squinted against the salon's fancy lighting. After hours of sitting in the dark my eyes needed a minute or so to catch up.I used this excuse to it's full capacity.

"Look!" My sister said, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "You can't ignore this forever. You agreed to it and you can't avoid reflective surfaces for the rest of your life! I went with mum to see your new school and every single classroom has a window. You're screwed."

"Thanks for the encouragement, Tiff." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Tiffany started tapping her foot as I made a show of squinting and itching my nose.

"Okay," I said. "I'm ready."

I'm nowhere near ready.

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