A Familar Stranger

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You blotted your freshly applied lipstick on a tissue and looked in the mirror one last time to make sure you looked good. You wanted to look perfect tonight. It was you and Mark's first date night in months and you were so excited to see him. He'd been oddly distant lately but you attributed that to his work. Being an intern at a law firm, he must be awfully busy. You got up from your vanity and walked to the door where you strapped on your shoes and walked out the door.

You jumped into your car and drove down London's busy streets to Il Roseto, a fancy Italian Restaurant, the place where you and Mark first met. They had amazing food and was one of your absolute favorite places to eat. You walked inside and were greeted by the hostess and the wonderful aroma of Italian food.

"Hi, welcome to Il Roseto. How many?" she asked. You glanced over at the dining room to see if Mark was already there. You didn't see him.

"Two," you replied. The hostess led you to a booth situated in the corner of the restaurant. You sat down and started looking at the menu, even though you already knew what you were going to have: eggplant parmesan.

A waitress came over to your table and said, "Hi, I'm Vicky and I'll be your waitress tonight. What would you like to drink?"

"Two waters, please, and a Coke." you replied.

"Two waters and a Coke. Coming right up." said the waitress and she sauntered away to go tend the other customers.

Eventually, the waitress came back with your two waters and a Coke. "Are you ready to order?" she asked. It had been a good ten minutes since you first arrived and your date still hadn't shown.

"Just a few more minutes, please," you replied.

The waitress sauntered away once more. You started sipping at your Coke.

Where is Mark? You asked yourself. He's probably just late. He'll be here soon.

10 minutes turned into 20 and twenty into 30. People had started giving you apologetic looks and the waitress had come about 4 more times to see if you were ready to order. Each time you replied no. Your Coke was well gone at this point and you started sipping your water. Man, were you hungry. You checked your watch one last time. It was 7:40. He was supposed to meet you at 7. You finally came to the conclusion that Mark wasn't coming.

That bastard stood me up! You thought to yourself. You stood up and started to pull on your coat when a man dressed in a suit you've never seen before sat down in the seat in front of you. He seemed oddly familiar, though. "So sorry I'm late, darling. Traffic's mad out there." he loudly said, as if he wanted the whole restaurant to hear him. Then he quietly added, "I'm Paul, by the way. Just go with it. Whoever didn't bother to show up tonight is a real asshole."

"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you," you replied. "Thanks for saving me. I could feel the eyes staring at me."

"Nice to meet you, too, love. I couldn't let you sit here like that," Paul said. "Shall we order?"

"Oh yeah, that. I'm famished." you replied.

The waitress came back to your table and took both of your orders. You got the eggplant parmesan and Paul ordered shrimp linguine alfredo.

Paul was gorgeous, way out of your league. He had dark brown hair, high arched, finely shaped eyebrows, and the most stunning hazel eyes you'd ever seen which were crowned with long, thick eyelashes. You could tell he was from Liverpool by his scouse accent.

"So, you from Liverpool?" you asked.

"Yup, a real scouser." replied Paul. "Where you from?"

"*British city of choice*" you replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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