Somewhere under the Rainbow...the killing time.

Start from the beginning

''You must be silent, both of you. We cannot start trouble in there. Do you understand?''Catarina said to them both.

''Yes Majesty,''Answered Lighting.

''And you Davis?'' She asked.

''I am sorry Catarina, I am so upset, sick, its my fault we came here, I did this to us,'' Cried Davis.

''No it was not your fault Davis, the fault is mine. I asked Lucas to watch over her. I gave her a potion that was not supposed to work on a vampire and it did. If I did not give that to her, Lucas would not have lost his heart  and this would not be happening,'' She insisted.

''Wait, it was not supposed to work on a vamp? Are you sure it did?'' He asked.

''I believe it did, though he could have truly fallen for her, we will never know now,''she answered. 

''Yeah we will never know,"  Davissaid as he took a sip of the flask he had in his fanny pak.

The taste was different, sweet like perfume, but stiff like Whiskey, he took another sip and handed it to Lightning. 

''No thanks man, I got it hard enough trying to walk straight.'' Answered Lightning.

''I hope one day we find the other you man, this is no way to get through life,'' said Davis.

As he was speaking to Lightning someone was knocking at the side door. Catarina pushed the shade over and Marcus was peering inside

''Hey, you, trader. Why do you ride the L train day and night? You look like a lost puppy, where is it you go everyday?'' Marcus asked.

''What L train? What?'' Asked Lighting, realizing Marcus was talking about  his missing part.

''When we get out of here can you take me there?'' Lightning lit up.

''You think he is talking about the other you don't you,'' said Davis.

''Yeah me, he is talking about the lost me man!'' A smile on his face.

''I am happy for you, really I am, that's a relief. Kinda strange he popped in like that,'' Davis said.

''Yes that was quite strange, Davis what are you drinking?'' Asked the queen.

''Whiskey, you need some?'' He Asked as he was about to hand it Catarina.

''No, I don't need any, thank you Davis.'' She could smell the perfume of her potion, it was unmistakable. This could be the disaster, we don't need. She thought, not informing Davis. Keeping it to herself. Hoping to silence him with her magic.

They stopped moving, the door opened and Catarina stepped out, followed by Davis and Lighting. They were motioned inside, a trail of armed escorts was made to stay outside while they were taken to their seats. 

Lucas was forced inside by the will of the queen, though she was not going to allow him to endure any of the ceremony, she closed his eyes, made him sleep. 

''Davis, listen to me, be very careful what you think, or say. Do not think of anything, do you understand me? You have just drank the potion, it is not meant for this world, you must be blank, no thoughts. I can assist you with that. OK?'' She said to him.

''What Catarina? Were you talking to me? I was deep in thought,'' he replied.

''Silence!'' A man yelled from atop the alter.

The ceremony was about to begin. Andie was walking in through the doors, Raymond was dressed in the colors of the Pendana, escorting her. They did not look into the audience, Andie was afraid to make eye contact and start crying, or see Lucas. She focused forward and hid behind the veil that covered her painted face. Benjamin waited at the bottom of the steps.

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