Chapter 1~ Why Me?

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Another morning...
Another day...
I check my phone and immediately see that I'm gonna be late!


I run into my bathroom immediately washing my face and brushing my teeth. I only put a little bit of make up on, which consists of mascara and clear lip gloss.

Thank you mom for making me naturally beautiful!

I run into my closet and throw on a stylish yet comfie outfit. (Picture above)  I hear a noise coming from my phone and see the my best friend, Alia, sent a text.

Alia: Hey, be there in 5.

Me: K, almost done.

With that said, I grab my backpack, phone and an extra outfit, for just in case, and run down to the kitchen. I grab an apple and make my way outside, careful not to make too much noise as my dad is still asleep.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Alia was leaning against the wall on her phone.
"Sorry, woke up late", I replied.

She was wearing a tight, black mini-skirt with a strapless, white crop top and a Jean jacket over it. She is the complete opposite of me, loves shopping, a petite frame, blonde hair, sporty and active.
When you get me, brunette, not skinny but I'm not fat, hate makeup, hate anything to do with moving (unless I'm playing soccer), doesn't hate but doesn't love shopping and would much rather chill and watch Netflix all day.

"Are you ready to go?", she asks, raising her perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

"Yup, let's go", we start walking in the direction of the school.

We get to the school gates and immediately start walking in, I see our group of friends in the distance, already waiting for us, we're a group of 12 and we're all really close, a big number, I know!

We are all known by everyone but we're not popular, except for Alia of course, if that even makes sense.

"Hey, guys!!" Morgan and Jenna say in unison.

I smile at everyone while moving to put my books in my locker.

"OK, plan for today: 1- We go get our schedules from the office.", Bahle says, she's the logical and funny one of the group, she's from South Africa. "2- We go to our classes and actually pay attention", she says looking at Kyle. He's 1 out of 3 of the guys in our group.

"Why you looking at me?", he asks quite loudly.

"Because you never listen to the teachers", we all reply.

"3- Meet up at lunch at our usual table and discuss what we did over break and then we'll go on with the rest of the day", she finishes.

We all nod our heads in agreement and start walking towards the front office. I start falling behind to talk to Jenna. We fall easily into conversations when out of no where, I walk smack, bang into some one and end up falling on my ass. I hear my group laughing at me whilst I chuckle at myself, I'm the clumsy one, should've seen it coming.

I look up to see none other than the school's badboy and his little clique. They're all trying to hold in a chuckle while Noah, the badboy has the biggest scowl on his face. My smile instantly drops.

"Watch where you're going!", he spits out, rudely might I add.
This is what pisses me off, boys who think they're all that.

I jump up and notice how everyone is now silent and watching the exchange.

"I'm the one who should watch out?! What about you? I'm sure God gave you eyes for a reason, you could've easily seen I was here!"

The smirk I once saw was replaced with a scowl and he immediately just starts walking away.

"That jerk!" Alial screeches. We all nod our heads in agreement. "It's fine guys, let's just go get our schedules", I try changing the subject.

We all got our schedules and made our way to class, my first class was History, no one else has this class with me so I make my way to the back seat against the window and place my bag down there. People start piling in. I put my phone on silent when all of a sudden I hear a deep voice.

"This is my seat, Move!", I look up to see none other than, you guessed it, Noah.

I start frantically looking around me, on the desk, under it, on the chair and innocently look up and smile,"I don't see your name on it", I say sweetly but there is a hint of sarcasm. He immediately scowls and glares at me.

Does this boy ever smile??
All I've seen him do is scowl!

"Move!", he grounds out, kinda scarily,
I might add.

"Mr Jones, would you take a seat already, I don't have all day!", I look up to see none other than my favorite teacher, Mr Williams.

I see Noah sit in the seat next to me from the corner of my eye. I smirk a little, realizing that I've won but it soon dawns on me....

He's sitting next to me!

Why'd he have to sit here?!
There are many open spaces.

I try to keep my face blank, not reacting because I bet that's what he wants, a reaction out of me.

Mr Williams starts talking and I can't help but think...

Why Me? _______________________________________

HI, so this is my first story.
I'm not sure how far I'm gonna take it, depends  if there's anyone who actually wants to read it.

Thank you for reading💫

It's cliche, I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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