- You have school tomorrow and you need to sleep. You said with a stern voice.

- No.

- Yes.

- NO!

- YES! You said raising your voice, you were now irritated at your daughter's behavior.

She looked at you with teary eyes. You had almost never raised your voice against her so she was scared but before you could say something you heard the front door open.

- What's going on here? You heard Jungkook say as he walked into the living room.

- Y/D/N is being impossible, she needs to sleep but she refuses. You said looking at Jungkook with raised eyebrows.

- But that doesn't give you the right to raise your voice to my daughter. He said staring at you with a cold look on his face.

- Your child? Last time I checked you weren't the one carrying her in your stomach for 9 months. You said offended and scoffed.

Jungkook didn't answer, he just rolled his eyes before he picked your daughter up and went to her bedroom. "What was up with him?" You asked yourself. He had never behaved like this, he was never cold towards you. Maybe he was just stressed about work you tried to persuade yourself. You started to get ready for bed and then you waited for Jungkook but he never showed up. After 30 minutes the tiredness took over and you fell asleep with a cold empty bed beside you.

A week had passed and Jungkook still kept his distance. You didn't understand why he behaved like this. He always worked late and when he got home he was mostly just avoiding you. You didn't want to think about it but the thought of him cheating always came up in your mind. You trusted Jungkook with your whole heart but what other explanation could it be? It was friday and you had a day of. You went over to Y/F/N house and told her about everything that had happened.

- Have you tried to talk to him? Your friend asked.

- I try all the time, but he just walks away, what if he is cheating? You said tears threatened to fall down.

- I'm sure it's nothing, maybe he is just stressed. Your friend said trying to calm you down.

- I'm not so sure anymore.

You both sat there quietly, Y/F/N didn't know what to say and neither did you. You sighed and rubbed your face.

- Oh, what do you say we go to a club tonight? Y/F/N suggested.

- But I'm pregnant, I can't drink.

- Who said that you have to drink? We can just have a night out with our friends, it has been so long since last time.

- Ok, but I don't have anything to wear. You complained.

- Then let's go to the mall.

You two went to the mall and shopped for some clothes for tonight. You bought a red dress and a black jacket. You were going to meet your friends at 19 o'clock and the clock was currently 17:30, so you and your friend started to get ready.

At the club, there were a lot of people and you and your friends had booked a booth for you to sit and have a great time. A few hours had passed with talking and just catching up, you looked at the cloc, it was showing 00:30 am. Your eyes widened, you had been having so much fun you totally forgot to check the time.

- I need to go. You said standing up and packed my things.

- Aww, really? A friend asked and pouted.

- Yeah, the clock is really late, Jungkook must be worried.

- Ok, we will see you soon Y/N, drive safe. Y/F/N said.

- Bye, it was nice meeting you guys. You said and then rushed out of the club.

When you went outside the cold breeze hit your face making your cheeks turn into a rosy red color. You went to your car that was parked a few minutes away from here and drove home.

Once you got home the whole house was dark. You sighed with relief because Jungkook and Y/D/N were asleep. You unlocked the door and quietly went inside, trying not to wake anyone up.

- Where the f'ck have you been? Jungkook asked angrily as he walked out from the kitchen with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Shit" you taught to yourself, then looking at Jungkook. His eyes were dark and furious, his face was cold, showing no other emotion but anger.

- Kook, why aren't you sleeping? You asked nervously, trying to change the subject.

- You didn't answer my question Y/N. He said.

You had completely forgotten to tell Jungkook that you went out with your friends and you knew he was very protective over you. So you could only imagine how angry he must be.

- I was out with my friends. You said with a low voice, looking down at the floor.

- Until 01:00 am? You are pregnant Y/N. He spat.

- Like you care anyway! You said now also getting angry.

- What do you mean?

- Are you cheating on me? You blurted out, not thinking clearly before your words came out and you immediately regretted it.

- Y-you think I'm cheating on you? Jungkook asked hurt lingering in his voice.

- You have been distant for so long and getting home late every day, what do you think I would think? You said with a shaky voice as you closed your eyes, trying to keep your tears in.

He just stood there quietly looking down at the floor. You got more tears in your eyes but you swept them away not wanting to show weakness. A few minutes passed of both of you standing there not saying a word to each other. No one knew what to say or do. Jungkook cleared his throat and then he took your hand leading you into the living room. You both sat down on the couch but you still didn't look at him, fearing that you would break if you did. He took your hand in his before he started to speak.

- The reason why I have been so distant is because I have been meeting this woman. 

Pregnant After One Night Stand | BTS Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now