BangLo - No Title

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Yongguk sat in the sand, a few meters away from where the water wetted the ground, watching Junhong play around in the sea. A soft smile pulled on his lips, when the young merman waved for him to come over.

Yongguk got up and went to approach the boy, the water reaching his bare chest when he stood next to him.

“Don’t just sit around. I want to have fun~” Junhong laughed and splashed some water at Yongguk, before disappearing underneath the surface.

The young man laughed and let himself fall into the water as well, wrapping his arms around Junhong’s upper body, when the merman tried to swim away. He wiggled around, giggling, trying to free himself from Yongguk’s arms. The latter just commented his struggles with a chuckle, before letting him go.

“It’s unfair, you’re way stronger than me.” The boy complained and swam a few rounds around the other, before suddenly pulling him down.

However, Yongguk already knew that game and just grinned at the boy, when they looked at each other underwater. They played around like that for a while, until the sun started going down and they were exhausted.

They lied down on their backs in the shallow water, watching the sunset, enjoying the silence which was just broken by the sound of the waves around them. The sunlight made the drops of water on Junhong’s tail sparkle, his hair glowing in a light silver. This was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, thought Yongguk.

“Do we really have to leave tomorrow?” Junhong asked, looking over at the man. “I don’t wanna go. I like it here. The people are nice…”

Yongguk nodded. “I like it, too. I already thought about staying longer. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to settle down for a while.”

“Really?” Junhong excitedly moved to hug the young man. “Thank you… I knew I wouldn’t regret going with you.” He smiled, as he felt Yongguk return the embrace.

“I’d be sad if you did.” Yongguk mumbled, softly sliding his hand down the boy’s back, until his fingers touched the beginning of the shimmering tail at Junhong’s hips.

The merman let out a sigh and closed his eyes. He felt his heart beat faster at the soft touches of Yongguk’s hands on his skin.

“What are you thinking?” the deep voice then reached Junhong’s ears and he looked up at the older.

“I- I think… Since we’re both outcasts anyways, we don’t have to listen to anyone's rules or beliefs anymore…” He bit his lower lip, hoping he had not misunderstood the thought behind that question. “I think we can do whatever we want…”

“Me too.” Yongguk smiled and laid a hand on Junhong’s cheek. “So what do you want to do?”

The boy smiled back, before he leaned in and his lips met Yongguk’s. His eyes closed as Yongguk kissed him back with no hesitation, his hand on Junhong’s hip pulling him closer.

The younger’s hand grabbed his hair to keep his head in place as their kiss deepened. Yongguk flipped them around so he was above the boy, who grinned up at him after Yongguk had pulled back to take a deep breath.

“Let’s go home…” the merman whispered and took Yongguk’s hand. “I wanna do more.”

As they reached the bedroom in the small house near the beach where they were living during their stay, Yongguk threw the boy onto the bed. Junhong had turned into his human form, his legs wrapped around the older’s waist as Yongguk knelt above him.

“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” he whispered and kissed the boy’s forehead. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…” His lips moved to Junhong’s neck and he started sucking on the smooth skin, as he felt the boy’s hands on his back, pulling him closer.

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