Letting the Monster Loose

Start from the beginning

He fell sideways, but I grab his head before it fell and thrust his head into the wall, hard. I hear I crunch sound as blood blossomed across the wall. I killed him.

Deep in my chest, there's a tinge of regret, yes, but even deeper, there's a satisfactory feeling that makes me sick to my stomach. Why am I happy that I killed. Well ones thing for sure, killing with a gun and your own hands is different.

I walk over the corpse and untie Vin, he swims awake, seeing me, he grins weakly. "My knight in shining armor." He said.

"Shut it, let's get outta here." I said, putting his arm over my shoulder. But as I turned, a man stood there, in a full body armor, kevlar, and a gun.

"Freeze!" He aimed it at me.

I look behind me and below a window, the man sees this and starts to shoot, but I'm already jumping out the window with Vincent. I land with him on my back, I fall on my face, scraping the mask.

I shake my head from dizziness, and look around me.

Just my luck.

Around me, everywhere I look, are investigators, all armed with guns or quinque. One stepped forward with a straight face. His black hair has a bit of white mixed with it, making it look almost dyed, but you can tell it's his real hair color. He looks to be in his twenties.

"Surrender, Crow. We've got you surrounded." He called with a microphone.

I glare at him through my mask and glance around me again, which would be the best way of escape? I bite my lip, there's not a single weakness in their formation.

"Respond!" The young man yelled at me.

I turn my voice filter on, making it sound slow. "And why should I trust you, a man that's sold his soul to become a lap dog." I yell back, putting Vincent behind me.

He young man flinched, then handed the microphone to a soldier, starting to walk towards me, taking his quinque out, a rapier like sword. I set Vin down, he murmured something, but I didn't listen.

I walk until we're but two meters from each other. He stared into my eyes, as if expecting them to change into ghouls.

I grin, I don't have my kagune out at the moment, but his guard is completely off guard- wait, is he not showing he wants to fight to get me to trust him? Yeah, right. He's dove scum!

I glance to my right, where the car used to be, but it's gone, looks like Yomo took his chance to run and took it. It's a smart decision, but it still pisses me off a bit that he left me here with these guys-

Suddenly, I hear shooting from the crowd of agents. Something is breaking through all the agent cars, pushing them out of the way. What in the world?!

A giant dump truck plows through the cars like a tank. I blink from surprise to see Yomo driving, his mask pulled on. I also see Kurona in the passenger with her sister in the back. Kurona wears her mask, a white circled mask with a hole for one of her eyes.

The man in front of me is so surprised by this turn of events he doesn't notice me run for Vincent, grabbing him, throwing him over my shoulders, and sprinting for the dump truck as it stopped after ripping through all the cars.

The back opens, and I jump into the trash, seeing no room in the front. What a rescue, I have to sit in trash...

The truck revs it's engine, speeding through the gate of the abandoned building. I make eye contact through my mask at the man, still staring at me with a irritated and thoughtful face.

Whoever he was, he didn't attack me, why not? I shrug, lying down in the trash next to Vin. He woke up as I was carrying him, so he grinned at me.

"Is this our chariot into the sunset, knight?" He jokes.

I punch his shoulder. "Shut it... looks like I don't owe you anymore." I said, crossing my legs.

He looks over at me. "What did you owe me for?" He asked.

I sigh, looking out of the truck and into the sky that was now clearing up. "For saving me from the lab, I never really repaid you in full back then, so I just now did." I said.

Vin smiles, not saying anything else and looking out the truck also. The sun was beautiful, but my mind was somewhere else. What happened to me back there? I turned into Chuck Norris or something? It's like my instincts made me a major badass... but...

I was practically a monster...

No, not a monster... that would be calling ghouls monsters. It's not race that determines whether your a monster or not, it's your actions and what you say. I do suppose my actions were of a monsters today, but... I look at Vincent again.

"What makes a person human?" I ask.

Vincent seems surprised by the question. "What do you mean? I'm a ghoul, not a human." He said.

"You know what I mean." I snap.

Vin sighs, looking at the ceiling of the dump truck. "I don't know... your gonna have to ask old Owl next time you see him, he's more into all that zen crap." He scratches his cheek.

I look back at the sky, wondering what Yoshimura would say. Probably a riddle I wouldn't understand. But then, I think what he would say would be wise, and something I should remember.

Maybe I should just rest. I'm heading home anyway. I smile and sink into the trash, getting a whiff of it. Jeez, trying to have a serious conversation in the back of a trash truck is actually laughable.

I chuckle a bit.

"What?" Vin asks.

I smile. "I'm asking important questions while sitting in a pile of crap practically." I smirk at him.

Me and Vin both burst out laughing.

It feels good to be home.

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