Q&A part 2

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@Thetoffeperson asked: what's your favourite type of chocolate? (Summed up)

Get ready for a list because they didn't specify who-

Me, Hanako, Mujo and Nemu (Nemesis kun) all like white chocolate.

Osorō, Osano, Amao, Aso, Ayato and Info Kun all like milk chocolate.

Kizano, Oko, Mido, and Megamo all like dark chocolate (which my taste buds do not agree with but everyone has different opinions)

They also dare Ayato to choose a favourite (including the two newbies)

Ayato: Amao, definitely Amao.

Amao: *blushing*

The rest: WHAT!

Ayato: he's literally the only one who has a skill that doesn't involve murder or tackle hugs *giving a death stare at Aso who smiles sheepishly*

(I didn't think I'd actually get people replying lmao this is fun-)

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