Halloween Night

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          It's been a few weeks since they went missing, the night of the school's Halloween dance having come by swiftly, due to being occupied with trying to find them.

          I can't object to going to the dance, my mum's making me go. She's worried for me as I never come out of my room aside from to go to school and to eat, along with toilet breaks.

          Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I walked into the gym hall, which had been transformed into the ultimate Halloween party. There were orange and black striped banners hanging from the ceiling, pictures of bats and witches scattered randomly between the gaps of them. Orange, black and white lights were blinding everyone who accidentally glanced there direction, along with a Halloween hits list on loop blasted at full volume.

               All around the room where teenagers dressed up like cats, witches, zombies, mummys and much, much more. Buffet tables lining the walls covered with chocolate, crisps, juice, non-alcoholic cocktails with eyeball ice cubes and much more sugary treats.

                 I was dressed up like a detective, it was the most fitting to what I had been doing. It wasn't anything convincing, just a monocle and trench coat, but it was good enough.

                 Walking up to the buffet table, I picked up a candy apple and bit into it, leaning on the table. While everyone else danced and laughed I kept to myself and came up with theories about the pictures, they were my only lead after all.

                     Deep in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed the figure sneaking up beside me, until a felt a presence at my side. Swiftly I kicked the unknown being in the stomach, hearing it yell out in pain and fall to the floor. I snatched it mask off it like a scooby doo villain, and saw the face of the school's old principal, the man from the photos.

                       I quickly ran into the sea of dancing teenagers, hiding out where people would see me struggle against him. I quickly looked around to try and spot a teacher, finding one in a pumpkin outfit. I dashed over to her and tugged her sleeve to get her attention.

                        "THERE'S A GROWN MAN HERE, HE TRIED TO BRING ME SOMEWHERE EARLIER!" I blurted it over the deafening music, her facial expression showing that she had in fact heard what I said. 

                            She caught the attention of a student council member, instructing her to look for a man of my description. Until then I was brought to the back, to get asked questions about the man. My mother was also called, bringing my aunt along with her.

                             "Do you know this man's name?" The teacher started off, taking out a notebook and closing the door.

                             "I don't, but it was their old principal," I said, motioning towards my mother and aunt.

                              "Mr Watanabe, yes I started working here when he joined," she said, jotting down notes like a skilled reporter.

                               A few questions and answers later, an hour had past and the sound of music had died down, now gone completely. Seemingly the party had now stopped.

                             "I apologise for not finding him, I will file a police report and try searching for him myself," she reassured us, letting us out the room and sending us on our way.

                               They better believe me now.

Spooky scary skeletons-

Halloween chapter? Yes please!

Sorry if this was cringey, I have art today so my creativity is kinda on the low due to overusing it.

Also, wasn't it strange that a teacher was wearing a masked pumpkin costume?


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