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Today was the day I get to go to Hogsmeade with Marcus! Yieeee I'm so excited ! What to wear ? What to wear? ' I thought while I look inside my closet....

A few minutes later I found the perfect one!
It was a light blue oversized hoodie, light khaki jeans and a pair of white Adidas sneakers.

I smiled and wore it, making sure to brush my hair and my teeth, now putting my vanilla perfume, spraying it all over my body, I took one last look in the mirror before grinning, God I'm so excited!!!

" Up so early?" Percy said, rubbing his eyes

" Uh yes! I have a.. date" I mumbled, looking down, moving my feet nervously

" Oh... Well um, good luck" he covered himself with his duvet

I sighed softly, saying " bye Percy", I went outside of our dorm and out the common room, I spotted Malfoy and his girlfriend Isabelle in their quidditch uniforms, the ends of my eyes narrowed, my face morphed into a look of confusion " Hey Malfoy!" I called out

He looked at me, raising his eyebrows " what do you want Wood?" He pulled her closer by her waist

" If you're wondering where Marcus is, he's inside the great Hall, waiting for you" said Isabelle

" Ah- okay.. I just wanted to ask why were you guys in your quidditch uniform.. I mean quidditch is done for the year and you guys won so-"

" What is it to you?" Sneered Malfoy " me and my girlfriend wanted to play, just the two of us.. it's gonna be the last week before the year ends, we wanted to spend our week together.. "

" Got a problem?" Isabelle sneered herself

" What?- no! I just wanted to ask! Damn you guys got some attitude " I said raising both of my hands as if to say Woah there, I surrender!

" Excuse me ?" He asked a bit offended " listen here you Gryffindor-"

" You know what Draco, let's just go, we are not going to get into a fight at the end of the year, and I wanna spend time with you" she pouted, batting her eye lashes, acting all flirty with him.

He smiled and kissed her cheek " ok let's go Belle, see you Wood"

They walked away, holding their brooms and their hands, swaying it together

I just shrugged what happened and went inside the Great Hall to see Marcus, holding a teddy bear and bouquet of roses. There was a smile plastered on his face, Merlin he looked so mesmerizing.

He slowly walked towards me and I did the same, following his action. Everyone had their eyes on us but we absolutely did not care
" hey " he said, running his hands through his hair, making it slightly messy

" Oh.. hey" I shyly said, a blush crept it's way up my face

" This is for you" he handed me over the teddy bear and the bouquet, I smiled and gladly accepted it "are you ready to go?" He held out his hand

" Yes, more than ever" I took his hand, we went out together, the wind blowing so calmly, the birds harmoniously singing, the trees and flowers dancing around us, it couldn't be more perfect :)

Witches and wizards strolled by, pointing at objects, shops and pets. They would come out of a shop and then come in at another one. Never getting tired of this action, both of the two boys followed.

" Where do you wanna go first?" He questioned, kissing the back of my hand

I blushed and thought about it " how about let's go to Dervish and Banges, I wanna buy something there"

" Great me too!" We went to the shop and looked at the items, I wanted to buy a broom for next year.. I mean i want to become a famous quidditch player

I chose my broom and paid for it, Marcus came back with a Quaffle, " what is that for?" I asked

" Oh next year, I'm gonna tryout for chaser in the national quidditch team, I hope too see your there!"

" Yeah me too!" I smiled " pay for that so we can go to our next destination.. Im gonna wait outside"

" Alright"

As I waited outside, I saw Percy walking alone,he had a crumpled paper in his hand, his eyes were full of nothing. It was empty.

" Hey Perce!" I called out, waving my hand

He looked at me for a split second before, entering Honeydukes

I sighed and felt a tap on my shoulder,I looked around and saw Marcus

" Lets go?" He asked

" Yeah.. where next? "

" Umm.. shall we go to the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer?"

" Yes we shall" I giggled and skipped happily

We went inside the shop and sat down
" Two butterbeers please" Marcus ordered

" Coming right up!" A woman said from behind the counter. She looked like she was in her 40s. streaks of gray hair lined themselves one by one on her head.

" Marcus can I ask you a question?" I said

" Of course!"

" If you can go back to the past, what would you want to change ?"

" Hmm.. the time when I said I didn't care about you and when I said all those awful things.. what about you?"

" Well Nothing, absolutely nothing" I smiled " you know why? Because what's good in a relationship when there's no hurtful moments? I mean yeah it's nice but it just doesn't feel complete.. you know what I mean"

He smiled " since when did you get so wise huh?"

I winked at him " that shall remain a secret. I was always wise you know " Jokingly I said

" Oh really?" he said sarcastically

" Uh huh"

Only just then our butterbeers came
" enjoy!"

We drank it while talking about random stuff, getting to know each other better


Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint we're talking about random stuff while getting to know each other, little did they know that someone was staring at them from the window, it was Percy Weasley, his lips paler than ever, his face turned into a sad frown before turning away, giving himself a bitter laugh, he left Hogsmeade and followed his feet, it led him to the quidditch pitch, he saw the Slytherin couple flying together, laughing and smiling happily, ' why isn't my life like that? ' he thought

( Back to Oliver POV)

After we drank our butterbeers, Marcus and I decided to just walk around, our feet taking us someplace else.

' I wanna play a game.. but what? Oh- I know I know!' I face Marcus, smiling cheekily " catch me if you can!" I said and ran away like a horse

He giggled " oh you wanna play that game again?" He smirked and ran after me , we both ended up in a meadow full of exotic flowers, " go-gotcha!" He jumped on me and I laughed

"Merlin! This brings back the memories!" He laughed too, I was under him, I turned and looked into his eyes who were looking straight into my soul, his gaze moved to my lips, he leaned in " kiss me " I whispered

He let out a short sigh before I felt something soft.
Our lips touched, nothing else mattered to me but him. A meteor couldve hit the Earth and yet nothing could make me care about anything else but him. I ran my hands across his black hair while his hands slithered it's way to my waist, he licked my lips, asking for permission, I accepted him, our tongues fought for dominance, but of course he won, I felt him smirk in between the kiss, I flipped us over, now I was on top, I gave him a lustful smile before caressing his face softly
" I love you"

" I love you too" he pecked my lips before pushing me on my back, so that he could be on top of me " I can get used to this" he smirked

"Maybe.. " I smirked as well " But not to much. "

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