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"C'mon Perce! We wont be able to board the train if you keep on wailing there!" I yelled, as he kept on saying he will miss Hogwarts and all,I understand him since it's gonna be our last year

"Alright alright! Wait up!"

I laughed as we both boarded the train, I kept on mocking him about how his voice cracked earlier, he rolled his eyes and chuckled, we both found a compartment and sat down

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Oliver Wood, Seventh year Hogwarts student, I am now with my best friend Percy Weasley , he's a prefect.. last year I found out he fancies me, I don't mind it at all but I only see him as my brother, my heart belongs to someone else..he told me he'll wait for me till after my 7th year, he finished school already, he was one year older.. His name is Marcus Flint

"Thinking about Flint are you?" He questioned me, sticking his nose in a book as he looks up

"Well actually yes, he said he'll wait for me "

Percy nodded " i wonder where my darling is?"

"You mean Polo Clearwater?"

"Yes" after he said that , someone knocked on our compartment, we both turned our heads to see ,it was Polo, he was smiling, me and Percy smiled back

"Hi guys!" He said, getting in the compartment


"Sorry to interrupt but can I take Percy for a while ?"

"You don't need to ask" Percy said and hugged him, walking out of the compartment

I smiled to myself, as I recall our date at Hogsmeade, me and Marcus had a jolly time, I also remember the time when we were partnered in a secret mission, as I recollect these moments, I also keep on having flashbacks, back to when I was a first year.. I met Percy and Marcus, we were young, we were just kids,...I miss it, but I wouldn't want to turn back time, there was alot of unhappy moments in my years with Marcus, I just sighed and decided to forget those bad memories and replace it with new ones, better ones

I wore my robes and got the gift Marcus bought me for goodluck, it was a bracelet, I sat back down, tracing the beads..as my eyes glistened with joy

I closed my eyes, resting for I needed energy for my last year..

To be continued))

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