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When you are not genuinely happy anymore of what has been you're being passionate about, always remember your sacrifices and everything you've done to accomplish something you once dreamed of.

Remember the first scene when Emman (government worker) started to emphasize how he hate his job for being tasked something against his will which is related to a death case? He used to be one of the rallyist during his time. He wanted so bad to do something for the Filipinos, but ended up doing something he once used to protest about. But still, he did. He stayed with his dream. There is an inner argument within him. Imagine his struggles of living the life he really wants with a conscience always knocking on him. He wished he could get away from everything. But at the end of the story, I realized that his act of indifference towards Joy's incident greatly affects him - making him look someone who can't keep a promise until he became used to it. It was then showed how he accepted his mistakes and chose to forgive himself and his friends after a very long time. And though not showed, I know that after the reconnection, along with the taking responsibility towards Ligaya, he'll know then how to take responsibility better in his work, in his life.

Truth be told, it's not just him who faced such certain kind of struggle. Anthony or AJ (businessman) turned his back against her bestfriend, Joy, the best motivator of self-acceptance that he once had. There is no doubt that with the guilt he has, he neglected the acceptance of who he really is because in the first place, he chose to lose the one who truly believed in him. He married a girl even if it's against his will. He continue to follow his dad. But still, he made himself successful.

This is also same with Hector (director). He had lots of girls but never settled because of the past. Still, he chose to live his dream. He might have been manipulated in some way within the set, being taken advantage just because his educational attainment, but he never gave up. He lived and continue to live his dream. He became a successful director.

Bottom line, you may be struggling right now, but never discredit the other factors of why you still want to pursue your dreams.

If there's a need to go back to the past, then go. But never settled on just going there. Always remember to also understand and accept. Letting go and moving on over someone you know you have disappointed is a different kind of guilt. And you cannot do those without genuinely accepting what happened in the past, and of course, taking responsibility of the circumstances you want to clear.

Always find a reason to live. Breathing doesn't mean living. You know that.

Ang Huling El Bimbo, The Hit Musical: Insights Everyone Should Know and KeepOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora