"Can we eat him too?" asks Snot-nose.

Gandalf raises his staff over his head and with a mighty crack brings it down on the boulder.

The rock splits in half, sunlight streaming into the clearing. The trolls shriek and bellow in agony, trying desperately to cover their eyes as the sunlight casts its light across them. There are creaks and groans as before the astonished eyes of thirteen dwarves, one wounded woman and a hobbit, three gigantic mountain trolls turn to stone.

Bilbo blinks a couple of times to clear is eyes and make sure what he's sees is real. He looks at the sun, then the trolls, a comically confused expression on his face.

Whoops and hollers of relief and triumph explode from the dwarves. Bofur's crazy chuckle comes from the spit and even Thorin cracks a relieved smile.

"Oh get your foot outta my back," Dwalin says grumpily from the spit.


With the immediate danger past, the dwarves set about freeing themselves from the sacks and the roasting spit. Gandalf unties the knot at Bilbo's neck first and then the hobbit frees the dwarves on the ground around him as Gandalf undoes the ropes on the spit. Within little time, the dwarves are free and exchanging relieved congratulations and muttering about sore backs.

When Bilbo helps him free, Fili turns immediately to head towards the woman bound to the tree. Seeing his nephew set off with such purpose, Thorin studies the girl carefully as Fili approaches her. Gandalf comes to stand by his side and they exchange considering glances as Fili reaches her. She looks half-dead and harmless but something about her is strange and while the company may be eager to discover her identity, Gandalf and Thorin are much more cautious.

When Fili unties the woman from the tree, she sinks bonelessly to the ground and he barely catches her. She feebly tries to stand but her legs can barely hold her weight and it takes many tries before Fili is able to help her prop herself up against the tree, one leg bent to alleviate the pain from the laceration on her leg. Her eyes are feverish and glassy and she seems to be trying to say something but her lips are parched and chapped and her throat dry.

"Bilbo!" Fili calls to the hobbit. Bilbo looks up over at him with an inquisitive gaze. Fili beckons him over. "Hand me your water skin, would you?" Fili requests and Bilbo hurriedly hands it over when he sees the girl leaning heavily on the oak. Fili holds the mouth of the skin to her lips and she chokes a bit at first but then her throat starts working again and she manages to swallow a mouthful of water before coughing forcefully. Alarmed, Bilbo helps support her as her body curls into itself.

"Is she sick?" Bilbo asks Fili worriedly. Fili shakes his head as Kili comes over to observe them.

"No, she just hasn't had any water in too long. Her body can only take a little at a time." He gently rests a hand at the nape of her neck to help steady the woman as she manages a second sip, and then a third, her throat starting to relax and her stomach finally accepting the water. She is oblivious to them all, only worried with getting enough water to slake her thirst.

When she finally is able to breathe normally and some of the haziness has cleared from her eyes, the woman looks at the dwarves and hobbit surrounding her, all eyes now on her ragged appearance and injuries. Her words are barely audible but Fili can hear her croak, "Thank you."

Kili is the one who voices the question that's on all their minds. "Who are you?"

Her heavy eyes swing towards him and she opens her lips slightly but then stumbles forward and Fili catches her and gently lowers her to the ground. "Perhaps later would be a better time," he says quietly and sees gratitude in her eyes before they flutter closed and she passes out in his arms. Fili lays her back against the tree.

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