What i have been doing in isolation while corona

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I was actually gonna put what have I been doing in isolation while corona is spreading its life off but it was to long so I changed it.

Dear diary today it's the second day I was bored 😐 so I wanted to write a story on wattpad cause I came up with some funny ideas 💡 this is gonna be based on ash princess 👸🏻 so some parts may be linked so I hope u enjoy 😊 this story and I get many viewers so plz feel free to read anything.

Once in a land lived The ash princess 👸🏻 she lived in a castle made if ash and one day she had to get her mouth stitched together ( I don't remember why so pls don't blame me) she was dreading with tears 😭 and the day finally came.she couldn't eat or talk. She once got stabbed and killed and there was no ash princess, once a king was looking for a princess 👸🏻 to be the new queen in their kingdom once they had discovered that the ash princess 👸🏻 as gone the king 👑 suddenly knew that he had to tell his son he could not marry because all princesses 👸🏻 were dead 💀. One day he told him. The son was so sad that he'd heard that he had to die alone. So he never ever got married and he died. They buried him and the king 👑 in the graveyard and would always pray

Hope u liked it !!!! It's really bad tho 💀

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