Dear Me ........ next one (forgot number)

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Ok so Going to confront the person i have fallen for. I am scared. i play scenes the could happen. and not all of them turn out well. i hate growing up and boys growing up. this makes things a lot harder to say what you want. both sex's make things up in there heads about the other. there is only one person in the world who can relait. but still i know he likes me and i like him. i dont see why we shouldnt be together. we have alot that we share.. but sometimes i feel like i just shouldnt say anything.

On another note. i feel like i am being replaced when it comes to one of my friends. she nevers calls me anymore. she said when she moved things wouldnt change but they did alot. she never has time for me. i feel like i am being a whiney baby when i say things like that but it is true

plus my friends thought it would be funny to grab my sides while i am on my period. and well come on any girl can relait to the bitchy feelings, and i yelled. and my guys friend thought it was funny. i told him if he didnt shut up about it i would cut of his penis put it in a blender and feed it to him. luckly for him he stopped.

Oh and i learned a new word. skitch (skanky bitch) i am sure it has been out for a while but ha i cant help i am the last to know about that stuff.

Well i love you guys lots thanks for listening oh and you shout go and smile at a random person because that might make there day... or creep them out eather would be nice. well until the next post goodbye and let me know your thoughts :P

LOVES YA!!! <3

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