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Aj's POV:

She could'nt help herself, but cry, as he packed his bags.
»So you just wanna leave?« She asked and came up to him. He nodded.
»It's over, April (Aj). I'm sorry.« CM Punk turned around and looked at her sympathetically.

»I did everything for you.« Aj said angrily. »I quit my job, because you fucked it up. I left everything and everyone I loved for you and this is how you repay me. Leaving me for another woman you met one week ago. How dare you?!«

He held his hands up in surrender and slowly approached her.
»Listen April, I'm sorry. I really am. But I have to follow my heart. This is my life. I won't let you take control of it.«
The sad expression on Aj's face slowly disappeared. She was angry now. No, even furious.
»You know what?« Aj grabbed his bags and threw them out the window.
»GO! Be my guest.« Cm Punk tried to calm her down, but she wouldn't let him.

»Get the fuck out.« She screamed and pushed him outside.
»You know what Aj, this is why I want a fucking divorce. You're crazy!« He got into his car and drove of.

Aj shook her head, tears running down her cheeks.

This is my first book on this account. I hope you guys liked it so far.

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