Chapter twenty two ( edited )

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I lead the kids around until we suddenly find our selves above ground. I can't lead these two into anymore danger. They can't take it.  I can feel it. The final battle has begun. 

" Go find the others and find more slayers that can fight. " That's the last order I will give them.  After this, whether we win or we lose, I won't be ordering people around. 

" Nee-chan!!!!" He screams as I run off. I want to turn back but if I do, I'll cry. I know it. Because if I turn back around, I'll have to say good bye because I'm scared. Scared that I'll die. Scared that he'll die. 

I run until I see the monstrosity known as the ultimate demon. Everyone is fighting. 

" Beast's Breath 6th Fang: Claws and fangs!" To any person, I'm sure it would look as if my sword split along the blade into multiple jagged looking blades. I throw my attacks left and right trying to keep up with the demon but he keeps fighting back. I can feel my body shutting down. .It hurts. I can feel poison in my system. It feels like I'm burning from the inside out. It hurts. We're all suddenly thrown off and I feel my back hit a stone wall. Out the corner of my eye, I see the rest of the pillars have either met their fate or is close. I see the sun rising. It's so beautiful. So warm against my cold skin. Across from me, I see him. The love of my life. 

Sanemi, we won. The sun is rising. 

I want to get to him. I really do, but my arms are so heavy. My legs won't move. The back of my head is fuzzy, and darkness is starting to shroud my vision. The pain is the only thing keeping me awake. It's the only reason I know that I'm still alive. I hear the cheering. So many happy voices. 

We won. 

Inosuke, I didn't see him so I think he's still alive. He'll get to live on. He'll get to go back to the mountain to see Takaharu. My baby brother. My precious baby brother will be be sad if I die here. Id I die here, I can only hope to leave with a smile. I'm not afraid of death if it meant, that i protected the one I love. 

But I have to keep trying. I promised. I promised Taka-nii that I would find my way back home. and.. 


I have to get to Sanemi. 

I have to make sure he's alive. and if he isn't, I have to revive him and kill him myself. 

That's funny.  If he dies, I'll kill him. How horrible a joke that is. What will I do if he actually dies. I'll be sad.
 A dry laugh leaves my lips but it comes out more like a cough. I must look horrible right now. I feel the thick blood oozing up my throat. I give a wet cough and as I've though, blood drips from my lips. 

Even with my eyes closed, I can feel people wrapping my wounds, injecting me with things. Doing everything in their power to keep me alive. 

Opening my eyes, I weakly push them off and brace myself on the wall to push myself onto my feet. On shaky legs, I try to make my way to where the wind pillar is. 

A heavy pain sets in my heart when I see him laying there lifeless. 

" SANEMI!" I find myself screaming before a clump of blood pours out of lungs. This pain is nothing to what I will feel if he died. 

After everything we've been through, all the pain he's shared with me, I know. Maybe it has to do with my beast breath or something but I can feel it. He's given up. He's ready to cross the bride to death. To join his siblings, to see his mother again..  

The Kakushi members try to hold me back but I find a new strength in myself and push past them. My hands didn't shake while I fought demons but they shake at the sight of him there laying in his own blood. I didn't feel cold even as half of my blood supply was spilled around me but I'm freezing when I think that he is about to die. 

I can't lose him. Not after everyone I have already lost. Not after everything we have been through. Not after everything he has promised.. He has to live long enough for me to make him happy. We haven't even started our life together. He has so many more things to do. We have so many more things to do together. 

I grip his clothes in my fists and I try to shake him but my body is barely holding up my own weight. I fall onto his chest crying. 

I've cried a lot today. 

I reach for his hand. It's cold. Deathly cold. 

" Sanemi, you said, you promised that after everything was over, you would marry me. You promised me that after we defeat the demons, we would start a family. Sanemi, you can't leave me behind after all the promises you've made to me. You can't take the easy way out. " I bring his hand into mine. His hands are so cold.  

Please  I don't want to live without you. 

" Sanemi, please don't leave me. " I don't have the energy to get out anything but a whisper. I can barely see his face behind all of the bandages but I can still remember his smile. His eyes. His laugh. When I close my eyes, I can image our future together. 

" A spring wedding.."  I almost missed it.  I look up  to see his strained smile. His hand gently squeezing back.

" Yah.. a spring wedding under the cherry blossom trees. " We can have what ever wedding he wants if it means I can be there with him. 

As long as I can be there with him, I don't care what the future holds for us. 

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