"You really don't change. Allright let's go!"
I nudge him to the side, then he comes and begins to stick me against him by wrapping his arm around my tiny shoulders. He likes doing that with me. He always says that it's cute and comfortable. But I know it's just to remind me about my height problem. Well, I never complain about it. And it's KeonHee, he loves nagging me every time with the smaller details.

"Okay, let's eat some yummi foods."
He says loudly while lifting his hand up then we go, both of us in a brust of laugh and amusement. 

Along the way, we meet some friends from high school who came to take the exam like us. SeoHo was one of them, our class representative in 12th grade.

"It's good to see you again after months. So are you also going to study at this university?"
SeoHo says in choir.

"Well if we pass this exam."
I answer him.

"It should have been better if the climate was better. It gives me goosebumps. As if it was signaling my failure."
He adds while looking up at the dark sky.

"Don't believe this kind of thing. It's just bad weather, fool."
The optimist KeonHee says.

"KeonHee is right. No reason to give up. Besides, do you accept to come and eat with us?"
I invite him and above all to cheer him up.

"Damnit! I have an appointment with YoungJo. Or do you accept if he comes with us?"
He asks us.

"Who is YoungJo?"
Questions KeonHee raising his eyebrow.

SeoHo giggles.

"Are you serious? YoungJo, the boy who was flirting with you in high school."
He explains while taunting.

"What? This guy from the class A ? Damn he also got his diploma? He who was just skipping school."
KeonHee startles in surprise.

"We don't judge people by their appearance KeonHee. I thought you were thinking the same thing. You who always see the good sides of things."
I correct him.

"Yes with most but he is an exception."
He protests by pouting.

SeoHo and I ask him.

"Because it is clear and clean. He is a delinquent."
KeonHee despises the said YoungJo.

"As always you only say bad things about me."
YoungJo arrives and enters in the discussion.

KeonHee doesn't respond and looks down.

"I forgot, hi everyone."
He greets us then approaches KeonHee.

"Did I miss you KeonHee?"
He teases with a sneer on the lips.

I see KeonHee blushing.

"Do not come near me. Don't even talk to me. You still smell cigarette stupid."
He whines while walking away from YoungJo, haughty and disdainful.

"Sorry I haven't finished my cigarette yet."
YoungJo apologizes while puffing.

"You are disgusting!"
KeonHee shows repugnance.

He smokes one last time and throws the cigarette on the ground then tramples it.

"Where are we going already?"
YoungJo continues.

"Let's go to karaoke!"
Suggests SeoHo.

I accept without swinging.

"I have no choice then. Forget the food."
KeonHee sulk whilst shrugging.

The four of us go to karaoke. Despite the rainy weather, nothing more pleasant than having a good time with your friends after the exam.

The rain doesn't stop all day and time flies when you're having fun.

8:30 PM

KeonHee drank too much with SeoHo. Only YoungJo and I were left who were sober.

"I will drive SeoHo home. You're going with KeonHee."
YoungJo tells me.

I agree without hesitation.

He smiles at me and takes a taxi with SeoHo.

I know that YoungJo and KeonHee lived in the same neighborhood. But I understand why YoungJo doesn't want to accompany him. Although KeonHee was a very open and kind boy, he hated YoungJo more than anything. If he learned that YoungJo had accompanied him when he was drunk, he could cause a big panic.

"HwanWoong! It is raining."
KeonHee whispers with sticky tongue.

"Yes I know! Let's go home."
I reassure him.

"I said it's raining. The sky is crying."
He insists while frowning.

I do not understand what is he trying to say.
It doesn't look like him.

He never says such terrifying things. The alcohol must have worked.

"You're drunk, I'm going to take you home."
I keep reasoning him.

"No you come back home stupid!"

"Later! I can't leave you alone with your state. I gotta ride you to home."
I answer him with a reassuring smile.

But the later is already too late ...

✧ : ✧ : ✧

[A/N: That was the first chapter. Yes I decided to write the whole book in HwangWoong's Point of View. It's easier for me to express my ideas and I thought it'd be better and suitable with the story plot.

So What do you think guys? Should I continue or I'll stop here? Anyway, please consider giving it a vote and share. It will be my pleasure]

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