Part 1 The beginning

Start from the beginning

"Perform dance?" Primus studied the datapad further seeing a servo written autograph in the corner "Cavem?"

"Yes his designation is Cavem. How come you dont know him?, and are your stalking him becuase you don't know him or is there something else?.." the priest smirked slighlty leaning closer.

Primus shoved the datapad back. "He merely caught my optic nothing more."

The preist subspaced it again. "Of course, and that is why you stalked him all the way here."

"Dont use the word stalk, it makes it sound more creepy than it is."

"Its still creepy. Buuut seeing as you only wanted to know who he was, i don't  think you would be that intressted in knowing that he will perform later today" he turned back to pay attention to his plants.

Primus tried to stay as calm as possible. "Where?"

The preist shrugged "I thought you just wanted to know who he was?"

"Fine i have been exposed, i want to go see him, he is attractive and seems nice, what else do you want me to confess?" He whined the words.

The preist laughed heartedly "Iacon hall of arts. 600 hour. Oh and you owe me. Does Unicro know your out looking to make an addition to your bond?"

"No, and i just find him attractive that is all. And keep it away from my mate, i will assist with whatever you wish for me to do" he gave a short bow.

"Good now leave, I have plants to care for."

Primus smiled leaning down to bump his helm against the preist in goodbye "Thank you."

"Your welcome, now shoo."

Primus left to go make himself look more presentable than he already was. His green and red armor shining with polish but one could always add some scents and such..

What the pair had failed to notice was Cavem taking cover by some nearby crystals trying to listen in on their conversation.

He wasn't dumb, of course he had noticed this mech following him. He did not hear much behinde the crystals but he could make out that this mech was going to visit his performance tonight.

Another new crazy fan perhaps?, he have had those from time to time. But this mech... he sure looked more stunning than an everage cybertronian... and seemed quite aware of his own attractiveness as he seemed to have a quite well uppkept armor and carried himself woth grace. Maybe he was of a wealthyer class?, he sure seemed like it. Polish was expensive after all.

But this mech had spoken to his friend Gardener in such a nice way even if the gap between their class differences seemed to be huge, he treated his seemingly low cast friend nicer than he had ever seen someone of his status act. He treated him better than some upper cast treated the slighlty lower.

And if the Gardener seemed so happy to speak with him, it made his friends stalking a bit less creepy.

This mecha was intressting indeed... Maybe a chat with the Gardener might enlitghten the situation..

Cavem stepped out on the path walking up to him "Hello Gardener."

The preist turned around looking up at him with a bright smile. "Hiya Cavem, how are you doing?, did you come to relax before the big show?"

He adored talking to this mech, he seemed so happy and content with life and always conversed with the guests about all kinds of crystals they had in the garden. He had found himself helping the mech out a noumerous of times, carrying crystaline flowers and such.

He had spent so much time there they had become quite good acquainted.

"Yes, your handiwork always seem to relax me a bit more. I simply dont know how you do it."

The preist chuckled "Why thank you, i put my spark into every each one."

Cavem shifted his weight slightly. "Was it a new mech you where talking to?, he seemed quite higher class then the usual visitors?"

"Ah, he is a good friend of mine, you could say he is higher class yes, he just came to visit me thats all. He has been off planet for quite some time and came to catch up a bit."

Oh so the mech didnt know who he was when he had started following him. Intressting, not that manny bots where intressted in dancing anyways so he shouldn't be supriced, maybe he had gotten caught in his good looks.

"Ah i see.." he looked over to what he was doing. "Do you need some help with that?."

The gardener scratched his helm with a small smile "i accualy kind of do. It would be very much appreciated."

Cavem smiled helping him out with the large flower. Saying his goodbye as he was done.

Plotting what to do after his show...

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