shes a freak now!

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i was at Millies house spending the night, i look up and see she was getting out a bag of chips, "i talked to Lindsay today. She was at the smoking patio with all the freaks!" she scoffed, i look up from my art journal, "whoa no way! i mean Millie? was she really out there?" I felt shocked seeing that me, her, and Millie normally have lunch together. i figured she just wasn't at school today. it felt like she'd been ignoring us lately.

Millie kept talking about how bad the freaks are who sit out there, and that Lindsay was throwing her life away by hanging around them.

"Millie i'm sure she's fine?" i chuckled grabbing the bag of chips taking a handful. "she's still the same Lindsay we grew up with." i lay on my back closing my journal.

"sure." Millie sighed "she doesn't want to be in the mathletes anymore Y/N! she's crazy!" Millie sighed again falling back on her bed, i started laughing looking down at her. "wow crazy?! Common Millie i'm not in the mathletes and i don't make perfect grades and you guys are still friends with me." I look at her with a questionable face.

"you're different" she huffed getting under her blankets.

She fell asleep before i did that night. normally Lindsay would stay up with me and we'd talk all night. i felt weird without her lately. I loved being friends with her and Millie, they were nerdy and funny and would help me with my homework and we'd all sing along to Millies moms albums she'd leave on in the kitchen.

I wasn't really like her or Millie, i didn't dress like them, didn't make the best grades, didn't like all the same music. I mean when we all became freshman they all said they expected me to be around the freaks on the patio? i never thought about sitting out there? i'm sure they aren't bad people. I just never met any of them plus i had Lindsay and Millie i understand Lindsay still misses her grandma but i thought of all people she'd come to us?

•The Next Morning•

Me and Millie walked into her kitchen to see her mom making us pancakes and cutting up fruit. "Would you like some help Mrs. Kentner?" i say before yawning "oh no need Y/N i'm almost done. Millie? why didn't Lindsay spend the night?" me and millie sat at the table and i poured us glasses of orange juice. "she's a trader!" Millie stuffed a piece of bacon in her mouth. "excuse me??" Mrs. Kentner stared at her while sitting the plate of pancakes and a bowl of fruit on the table. "Lindsay just made a few new friends and Millie is being a little paranoid." i giggle playfully shoving Millies shoulder. Before we started eating Millies dad walked out in a gray suit and kissed Mrs. Kentner before getting himself a mug of coffee and sitting down with us, "No Lindsay?" he smiled and millie huffed angrily, "Sore subject this morning sweetie? You two hurry up and eat so you're not late" Mrs. Kentner smiled up at us, our parents would let us spend the night on school nights because the knew we'd get our homework done and not stay up too late. i would always just change in the car. Millie thought i was crazy for it.

"Y/N it's 7:50 we should get going?" Millie says between stuffing her face with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. "Oh we better motor then!" i say gulping down my orange juice, "Ladies! Manners!" Mrs. Kentner slightly snapped at us watching me gulp down juice and Millie stuff food in her mouth. me and millie grabbed our bags before leaving, "sorry Mrs. Kentner! Thank you for letting me stay!" we run to my car. Millie leans over and starts the car while i take off my pj shorts and grab the black baggy jeans from the back seat. The Rolling Stones start blasting out of the speakers and Millie yelps turning it down, "God Y/N! it's too early for this." She starts chuckling and grabbing me my Led Zeppelin shirt and my black and white flannel. "Super strong coffee??" Millie says with a smirk, "oh totally! then we'll come back for Lindsay" I say driving out her driveway, "i don't think she's going to come with us." Millie sighed grabbing me my shoes now. "Oh hush i'm sure she'll come with us." We'd always get coffee before school since Lindsay and Millies parents wouldn't let them drink coffee.

we drove to Tangerine by Led Zeppelin (please listen to it🥺) playing softly, it was really cold this morning the neighborhood looked so beautiful with the morning sky.

driving into the parking lot i hop out grabbing my bag and running into a coffee shop to get three coffees. lots and lots of cinnamon in mine,  hazelnut creamer in Lindsays coffee, and three sugar packets with vanilla creamer in Millies. We've had the same order since middle school.  "*sighs* why'd you get lindsay a coffee? she's so not gonna to ride with us." "well not if we don't hurry to pick her up!" i smiled handing Millie the coffees, "i got us some muffins too" i say handing her a baggie, "oh score! remind me i'm buying for us tomorrow." Millie smiles sipping her coffee and picking a muffin. i know there's a chance Lindsay won't come with us but i want to be hopeful! She always rides with us.

i grab her coffee and run up to her front door and knock until i then see Mrs. Weir open the door surprised "Oh Good morning Y/N!" She awkwardly smiles down at me, "uh? good morning Mrs. Weir is Lindsay still here??" i say worried now, "well she actually got picked up by someone from school i didn't really see who? i'm sorry." She says when Sam then walked out i guess to go to the bus. "well that's fine? Sam would you want a ride?" I smile at him, "uh? yeah sure." he mumbles, "Awe thank you Y/N." Mrs. Weir ruffled his hair, "no problem Mrs. Weir"
we walked to my car and i glance over at him and sigh, with Millie being so tall and Lindsay being pretty good average height that left me the shortest in our group only being a little taller then Sam who was super short too. "could i have that?" Sam says looking at Lindsays coffee. "no way! you're too young." i chuckle.

pulling into the school parking lot we walk inside and Sam runs off to his two friends near his locker waiting for him. it was cute. "okay well i better get to class?" millie said adjusting her bag straps, walking backwards i slightly bump into one of the guys Lindsay had been talking to lately. i don't know his name but he's tall. really tall. "ah- sorry dude?" i chuckle embarrassed "no problem?" he laughed like a goof? "oh! yo-you're one of Lindsays friends." he smiled and laughed quietly. none of them ever spoke to me or Millie but now that lindsay was around them? "yeah it's crazy?" i sigh slightly and walk towards Lindsays 1st period. while walking i hear him say "i-i really like your shirt!" with Lindsays coffee and my coffee and the bag of muffins all in hands i turn around walking backwards and look at him, "thanks!!" i feel myself bump into yet another person only this time i get shoved a little. i see the guy slightly lift his arms annoyed and he sighed before laughing, "outta my way!" the blonde girl from my 4th period huffs pass me. she walked over to the tall guy.

//a note//
i already have a nick x reader up but i'm not feeling it too much lately so here :) i update pretty slow but i'm trying to update more

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