You turn around to face him, his face goes red. "B i t c h" you whisper to him.

"L-language!" You guys stare into each other eyes for a few minutes.



"Can you let go of me now?"

"U-uh yeah! Sorry!" He removes his arms and lets you get up.

"Another round?"


You guys play until midnight.



"You know it past your bed time, right?"

"Wait- what time is it?"


"Wait, really. Oh no! We have school tomorrow!" He starts to freak out.

"Hey, Iida?"


"Calm down, you can just sleep in my room."


"You can just sleep in my room."

"No, I can't do that. I would be intruding."

"Just stay here. It easier."

"Fine, I'll sleep on the couch."

"You can have the bed."

"I'm not gonna make you sleep on the couch!"

"Like I sleep." He looks at you. You just stare at each other for a little while. He steps closer.

"Why don't you sleep, I know you like to stay up, but your eye bags have gotten worse." He looks worried.

"I just don't sleep, simple as that." You look down trying to avoid eye contact.

"You need sleep. Just tell me why you can't sleep." He steps closer putting his hand under your chin, lifting your head up slightly so he can see your eyes, which were tearing up.

"It's not like I can't sleep, but I choose not to." You try to not cry, trying to keep that 'toughish' act up. But a few teard manage to escape.

"(Y/N), I just want to help," he wraps his arm around you, "so tell me why."

"I-i um, I don't sleep because I have really bad night terrors." You laugh a bit, "yeah, pathetic I know."

"Its not pathetic." Iida tightens his arms around you while you start to cry. "I'm here, and will always be." You wrap your arms around him and cry into his chest. He strokes your hair, and rubs your back. After a while he picks you up, your arms still tight around him, and walks over to your bed. He trys to put you down, but you won't let go.

"Iida, don't go, please. Just stay with me."

"Okay." He gets on the bed with you still in his arms. You refuse to let him go, so he has to slowly move around to get comfortable without moving you to much. He starts stroking your hair again. "(Y/n), you can go to sleep, I will be right here."

You eventually fall asleep, it was peaceful until.

"(Y/N)! Move out of the way!" Your mother shouts, right before she gets shot right through the head.

"Mother!" You run over to her, "Mother! You can't be dead!" You cry and over body, trying to wake her up. You are yanked off the ground by your hair.

"Well aren't you a pretty one!" The man shouts while holding a kinfe to your neck. You stare down at it, the blood from it drips onto you. "This is the blood of your father and brother. They were easy to kill, bo th extremely weak. He takes the knife and runs the side on your face, creating a small scratch. "Look! Now it has some of your blood also."

"Let go of me!" You shout. You try to get out of his grasp, but couldn't.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice yells. You turn slightly to see Iida running towards you.

"Go away Iida! Save your own life!"

But before he could take your advice into account the man drops you on the floor and dodges all of Iidas attacks. He grabs his arms and pull them behind his back. The man moves the knife up to Iidad neck, and before you can do anything Iida was dead.

Then you were too.

"(Y/N)! Wake up, wake up please!" You jolt awake with a shake from Iida. You look at him and immediately latch on to him. "Nightmare?"

You don't answer, you just tighten your grip around him. You knew it was dream but it felt so real. It felt like he actually died, and because of that you hold onto him as tight as you can. "Your alive" you mumble into his chest.

"(Y/N), it was just a dream. Yes, I am alive, I'm right here." He rubs your back. "Take deep breaths." You would, but you cant get enough air in your lungs to do that. You just kept crying into his chest. You couldn't go back to sleep, so you just layed there crying holding Iida as close as you can. You don't want to let him die, you will protect him with your whole life. Iida eventually did fall asleep, and you stroked his hair to get your mind of things. Iida starts to stir so you stop.

"You should get some more sleep." He mumbles.

"I'm good, sorry to wake you up. Go back to sleep, we have classes tomorrow."

"Okay, but try to sleep." Before you could respond he was out. You continued to pet his hair, for some reason it was so soft. Before you knew it the sun was shining in through your windows. Iida started to stir again.

"Good morning Iida."

"Good morning (Y/N). Did you get any more sleep?" He says slowly sitting up.

"No. But it's alright." He looks at you worried but you just smile. "But thank you Iida, it would've been terrible if you weren't here."

"It's no problem, I'm glad you got some sleep at least." He gets up, and you laugh at his messy hair. "What are you laughing at?"

"Your hair." He quickly tries to fix his hair, but he fails miserably. "Here, let me help you." You get up and walk over to him, you get on your tippy toes and flatten out his hair. Before you step away you hug him again.

"Well I gotta go get ready, I'll see you later." He walks towards the door.

"Yeah, see you later!"


Idk what this chapter was, i guess it was a Iida appreciation chapter.

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