48. Monoma

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Me: Hey Monoma

Buddy: Yes?

Me: Have you talked to Shinso today?

Buddy: No? Why?

Me: Something happened to him today

Buddy: What happened

Me: ...someone called him a monster

Buddy: Did you see it happen

Me: Yeah,  I was right there

Me: ...and I didn't do anything

Me: I was so shocked

Me: I just didn't know what to do

Me: When i finally decided to take action he was already gone

Me: I left the boy who said it laying on the floor crying.

Me: I might of broken some of his bones

Me: After I ran to find shinso

Me: I looked everywhere i could think of

Me: I dont know what to do

Me: He probably thinks im a horrible person and now i cant fix it because i cant find him

Me:  He might be dead

Me: Or lost

Me: Or joining the villans bc this pushed him to far

Me: f**k

Me: Im better of just killing myself

Buddy: Dont think like that

Buddy: (y/n), its going to be fine

Buddy: We will find him

Buddy: Its gonna be okay

Buddy: So dont you do anything rash

Buddy: Promise me you wont do anything rash.

Me: ok

Buddy: Promise me

Me: fine, i promise

Buddy: it'll be okay, I'll help you find him

Me: Okay. Thank you, Monoma

Buddy: No problem, its what friends do

Me: Best friends!

Me: Forver!

Buddy: Yeah!

M̷h̶a̸ ̸C̷h̴a̷t̸r̵o̷o̶m̶ ̶(̷x̴ ̸F̶!̶ ̸R̶e̴a̴d̴e̴r̶)̸Where stories live. Discover now