

"After we eat can we play just dance?"

"Sure (Y/N), I will beat you though."

"I know you will, just dance god and giver of nutrition."

"You need some help."

"Im to poor for a therapist."

"Not even a therapist can help you at this point." He laughs.

"True doe." You don't hear Iida laugh a lot, not because he isn't happy, but he is just so strict to have fun. You smile at him. "Hey, Iida?"

"Yeah, (Y/N)?"

"Thank you for everything you do." He turns and looks at you funny.

"What do you mean."

"You do so much for everyone, especially me. I'm pathetic, i can't even make my own food. But you still help me and continue to be my friend. I just wanna thank you for that." He looks at you, blushing slightly.

"Your welcome," he walks over to you, "and you aren't pathetic, even though you can't cook. Your one of the strongest ones here, and smartest if you actually tried." You look up to him, he is standing right beside your seat.

"Thank you Iida." You hug him, he tenses up a bit at first, but returns the gesture.

"Anytime, (Y/N)."

After eating.

"(Y/N)! Stop cheating! You're not supposed to push the other player!"

"No whever in the rule does it say that!"

"Well it common sense!"

You guys are in the middle of a epic dance battle, you're dancing to California Girls.

"How are you winning?!?" You yell at Iida.

"I'm good at this game," You look to him and push him hard, he starts to fall, "I'm taking you with me!" You fall right on top of him. But you don't really notice th e situation, your still trying to get point on just dance. "(Y/n), are you going to get off of me now?"



"It stops you from winning." He notices that and tries to get you off, you don't budge.

"This is cheating!"

"Yeah, but a win is a win." He wraps his arms around you to pull you closer to him, ultimately making it impossible for you to continue to get points. "Iida let me go! I gotta win!" You try to wiggle our of his grasp.

"No, I won't allow you to beat me." You guys keep fighting, not realizing the position your in. Your on top of him, with your back to his chest and his arms wrapped around you. Finally the song ends.

"How did you still win?!? You were down longer then me!"

"I'm just that good."

M̷h̶a̸ ̸C̷h̴a̷t̸r̵o̷o̶m̶ ̶(̷x̴ ̸F̶!̶ ̸R̶e̴a̴d̴e̴r̶)̸Where stories live. Discover now