Wedding Dance Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey what's the problem now? You thinkin about Kyla again?"

"She was there"


"The girl in the peach dress with Ambrose...that was Kyla."

"Seriously?  Wow she looks different"

"I had to look like an idiot. I saw him with her in the audience and I laughed to myself because I thought they had broken up. I didn't recognize her and I assumed this was a new girl. SO like a smartass I went up to Jon and asked how Kyla was and she answered 'I'm fine'. I just kind of stood there and they both looked at me like I was crazy and walked away."

"Beware" by Big Sean came on in the car and I rolled my eyes. It wasn't on purpose, but it was impeccable timing. We arrived at the reception and made our way in for the cocktail hour.  I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was so beautiful and they were so happy together. He stood there with his arms around her waist while they talked and laughed with TJ and Nattie. Every so often he'd hug her and kiss her cheek. I shouldn't be staring and I shouldn't care, but it just baffled me.

Colby: "You know it's not nice to stare."

"I know. I can't help it though. I didn't even recognize her at first. Was I THAT horrible to her? I don't get it. Were we ever that happy? I mean those two are VERY's almost disgusting"

Laughing "Yeah. Well, I mean Joe you made unnecessary comments about her not being able to see, you ignored her, you yelled at her, you left her alone and would turn around and get mad at her for not doing anything all day. What did you want her to do? Where did you want her to go?  You did a total 180 the minute you found out she'd be blind permanently. She tried Joe. She tried to hang on, but you just pushed her so far drove her to Jon. It was no one's fault but your own."

I went back to drinking my beer and sulking. He was right...I can't blame anyone but myself for all of this. I wanted to talk to her, but I don't think I'd be able to get her to want to talk to me. Dinner started and they sat at a table in the distance. I did notice that she was doing quite well for someone who was blind. She cuddled up to Jon and laid her head on his shoulder during the speeches and he would kiss her forehead or rest his head on hers. I feel like I've walked into some weird alternate universe. I've NEVER known him to be this big of a softie before for ANYONE. He was like putty in her hands.

Jon: "Stop staring's weird. Get over it. They're happy and they're together and there's nothing you can do except find a new girl.  Seriously you screwed up and now you have to live with it. But seriously stop staring at them. You're just making yourself miserable"

They started the dances and I sat back and watched. She pulled him to the dance floor and I wondered what that was all about. How is she able to do any of this if she's blind?  I knew it was none of my business.

Jon's POV:

I knew Joe had been staring all night. I wasn't going to say anything or draw any attention to it because he could stare all he wanted it didn't make a difference my relationship with Kyla. I stood and watched as she laughed and had a good time dancing with Colby. It made me happy to see her so happy. I turned back and looked at Joe. I smirked and shook my head.  All he was doing was making his own night miserable. Colby and Kyla walked back over to me and she threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and bear hugged her and picked her up

"I love you"

"I love you too Jon."

Unchained Melody started and I knew it was one of her favorites so I pulled her close and started to dance with her. She looked up and smiled and I nervously smiled back.

"Have I told you that you look gorgeous tonight?"

She shook her head "Uh uh. You said I was beautiful earlier so I think that counts."

"Nope. Two different things."

She shyly smiled, blushed and looked down "Thank you."

"Can we talk for a second?"

"Do we have to stop dancing?"

"No, we can talk like this"

"Then...yes we can talk."

I smiled and laughed a little. She was so cute when she got excited about little things

"Ok so you know that I love you"

"Mmmhmm I love you too"

"How about I talk and get all of what I need to say out and then you that OK cuz I'm really nervous and if you keep interrupting me I'm never going to get it out."


I took a deep breath and started over

"Kyla you know I love you and that we have a lot of fun together. You've made me so happy Ky. I can't explain it, but you're my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you. I think we've both 'saved' each other. Anyway I'm kind of rambling...I'm nervous...I don't ever want to lose you Kyla. I promised you that I'd never leave you and I mean it...."

I pulled a ring out of my coat pocket and held it between us

".....will you marry me?"

She grinned from ear to ear with tears in her eyes

"Really?  You want to marry me??"

I nodded and smiled 


"I just told you why Kyla...didn't you hear me?"

She smiled at me and looked down "I heard you. I'm just....I just....I don't know what to say. I'm so surprised.  Yes. I will marry you"

She threw herself against me and held on tight. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. She pulled back and kissed me and smiled. Her whole face lit up when she smiled like that. I put the ring on her finger and she jumped up and down a little and kissed me again.

"I love you Ky. With all my heart I love you"

"I love you too...forever and ever"

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