Next Week

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Raw was coming to a close. My match had come and gone. I was still pretty much shunned by the other divas and I hadn't talked to Phil or even seen him since my first night. I noticed that if I just kept to myself and did my own thing I was better off. I sat in catering texting back and forth with Saraya and Corey. I missed them a lot and wished they were here with me. Hopefully their time will come soon and we can all hang out and I'll feel like I actually belong and have friends again

"So what's a cute girl like you doing here all alone?"

I looked around confused. I know he certainly wasn't talking to me."

"Yes, Kyla I'm talking to you."

I looked over and smiled as he sat down next to me  "Hi Dean"

"So you've been here for a week and you haven't once said Hi to me...that's not nice Ky"

"Sorry. You could say hi too you know. You've walked by me several times."

"You didn't answer my question? Why are you here all alone?"

"It's easier that way. Keeps me out of trouble if I keep to myself."

"Ah. Well, here's some advice; if you want to keep yourself out of trouble you probably should make more of an effort to be friendly with people. If you become anti-social it makes people talk and then they assume things about that you're weird...that one has been making the rounds lately"

I shrugged. I was well aware of that and I know who started it too.

"OK...what happened to the Kyla that had everyone roaring with laughter when we were visiting NXT? You haven't made any friends here have you?"

I shook my head and half smiled

"Alright come with me then"

My eyes got wide and I hesitated for a second.  I wasn't friends with Dean really. I was having a conversation with Corey, Saraya and Neville in the back before their big segment with The Shield. I can't even remember what we were talking about, but I made a sarcastic comment that made everyone laugh and he came over to join in the "fun". I was surprised he even remembered me because that was a while ago. I wasn't at NXT long and I wasn't even around when the three of them were there originally. They were leaving just as I was brought in. I didn't quite know what to make of this, but I figure if he was willing to be my friend I wasn't going to pass it up. We made our way to a room in the back. He held open the door and I reluctantly walked in part of the way. He smirked at me as he came in and took me by the arm and practically dragged me inside. I realized where I was and started to freak out a bit. Seth and Roman were sitting around talking and looked up. I darted my eyes downward and partially hid behind Dean

"What are you hiding from?" He asked pulling me in front of him "Kyla this is Seth and Roman...OR if you want you can call them Colby and Joe and you can call me Jon...if you want."

I shyly smiled and looked down

"Hey no need to be shy. We don't bite"

He took me by the hand and lead me to where they were sitting. I stood there for a second and took at seat in a chair across from them. I looked around the room a bit and looked down. It felt kind of awkward and I knew they were staring at me waiting for me to say something, but I had no idea what to say. I'd already met Seth so there was no problem, but I couldn't talk to Roman. I was so afraid my crush on him was going to show through. I raised my eyes to look and see what was going on and I was right...they were all looking at me waiting for me to say or do something.

"You look better without all that make up on."

"I know. It wasn't my idea. I just do what I'm told"

Colby: "You know what's funny? They gave you this big heel emo persona that you turn on when you're in the ring, but in reality you are completely the opposite. I don't think I've ever met someone so shy."

"It's because you don't know me and all of this is new. Once I warm up to people I'm not really that shy."

I sat nervously twiddling my thumbs and trying to figure out a topic to start a conversation. My phone buzzed and I took it out to check the message I got. It made me laugh and smile

Dean: "Oh so is that how we get you to laugh? We have to send you a text message?"

I blushed and laughed a little and shrugged my shoulders. I looked up at Roman and half smiled and then darted my eyes away. Dean saw me and smirked at me

"I've decided that you are traveling with us to the next destination provided these two are OK with that."

"Oh...uh...I don't don't have to....I can just take a cab or something"

Before I could even protest more I was sandwiched between Dean and Colby walking towards their rental car. I stopped at the trunk and saw someone else walking up. I put my bag in and waited since I had no idea where I was supposed to sit.

Dean: "Kyla this is Antonio...he travels with us."

I smiled and said hi very quietly. I soon discovered that I would be sitting in the middle back seat sandwiched between Cesaro and Roman. I knew this was a bad idea and that Dean did this on purpose because he saw what happened when I looked over at Roman. I pulled out my iPod and ear buds and sat in the middle sandwiched between two big of whom I was seriously crushing on. Colby started the long drive to the next location and I was exhausted. We were going to be on the road until close to 4am and I wanted to sleep. I was going to have to find a creative way to sleep in my present situation. I sat and listened to the four of them talk and talk. It was mostly about nothing, but was really entertaining. I even contributed a little, but I was getting super sleepy and yawned a few times. I put in my ear buds and started dozing. My head shot up when I realized that I was falling asleep in a weird position. I whined to myself because I was convinced I was never going to be able to sleep. I looked around the car and noticed that Colby and I were the only ones really awake.

"You don't fall asleep at the wheel do you?"

Laughing "No, When we stop for gas I'll make Jon drive a bit. We trade off."

I nodded. I turned my music back up and started to doze again. I didn't mean to, but ended up dozing off with my head on Roman's arm. He moved and I lifted my head. He pulled me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder and went to sleep

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