Stay Away

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I looked over and shyly smiled.


"What's your name? I'm April"

"I'm Kyla."

"Well, KYLA..."

I didn't like the way she was saying my name. She put so much emphasis on it that I felt like this wasn't going to end well. She didn't want to be my friend. In fact I'm pretty certain she hates me. I can't figure out why, but she does. I looked up and noticed several of the other divas were standing around too. I'd never felt more awkward or unwelcome in my life. I was trying to figure out what I said or did.

"Have you made any friends here yet?"

I shrugged "Just one...I think..."


"Um CM Punk?"

I even answered like it was a question. I could tell that this was turning into a trap, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do

"It's so cute how you think you've made a friend. See while you were out there in the ring I was back here with my boyfriend, snuggling and talking about you. He told me all about how he thinks you're weird, you don't belong here and that you have no talent whatsoever. He only talked to you and drove you here to be nice because he felt sorry for you. Phil is my boyfriend so you need to stay away...far away. Don't talk to him, don't hug him, don't ride with him, don't even accept bottles of water from him. Find someone else to be friends with and don't flirt or try to steal boyfriends."

I looked around at all the divas staring at me and I looked at AJ who was glaring at me.

"Ok. Sorry."

She got up and left and the other girls walked away to take care of their business. I packed up my stuff and stacked it neatly in front of my locker. I sat and stared at my phone for a few minutes and got up and went to catering. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down. I sent Corey Graves a text and waited for a response. I was really missing my friends back in Florida. This was everything I wanted, but I was starting to wonder if it was worth it. Maybe they asked me to come here too soon. Corey responded and I half smiled. "Don't give up" right...sounds easy enough when you're not here. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see who it was only to find out that it was a trick so I put my head back down and continued to play with my phone

"You look better without all that makeup and teased hair."

I looked over and half smiled and looked back down at my phone. I wasn't going to talk to him. I didn't want anymore trouble from anyone.

"Are you OK Kyla?"

I nodded without looking up. I REALLY wanted to talk to him. At this point he was my only friend and I felt like I was being so cold, but I didn't want any of the girls on my case either.

"What happened to my travel buddy?

I half smiled again and looked over "I'm not supposed to talk to you anymore."

"Says who?"

"Says your girlfriend"

"Who April?  She doesn't really get a say in that because Jane and Paul asked me to chaperon you for the week. And she doesn't get to tell me who I'm friends with either. So don't worry about her."

"I kind of don't want anymore trouble with the girls so I think I should probably just do what she wants."

I got up and walked away back to the locker room. I stopped in the hallway because the Shield were cutting a promo and I was going to walk right through their shot. I stood and watched. They were so awesome to watch. I wish I was half at cutting a promo as they are. They finished up and I waited until they walked by before continuing on. My heart stopped when Roman walked by and I felt my cheeks burn red when he winked at me. I quickly darted my eyes down and made a beeline for the locker room door. I went towards my bags and felt a grip on my arm

"I told you to stay away"

"I did. He came to me. I didn't do anything. I walked away. I'm not interested in your boyfriend. Don't worry so much"

She let go and I took my bags and left. I went out the back of the arena and waited to leave

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