Chapter III

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"We have the Guerreras where we want them. We have them waiting and worried. We know they're with no defenses against an Original," Klaus roared angrily. It was a day later after Charlie got to New Orleans, Klaus had told Elijah about his plan to attack and Elijah wasn't on board.

"We don't know that," Elijah tried calmly, not wanting his brother to rush blindly into a fight.

"I'm willing to gamble," Klaus retorted, Charlie looking between the two. Of course she thought Elijah was right. There was only one weapon that could kill the originals and it was nowhere to be found.

"It's too risky. The stake didn't just disappear, someone has it," Elijah reasoned trying to calm his brother once again.

"One enemy at a time, in the end we will slay them all," Klaus took a seat at the table looking over at Elijah as he spoke.

"Tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds. And for that, we need help." Klaus agreed as Hayley walked into the room standing next to Charlie.

"We need to take the 12 original rings. Now, four sit on the hands of the Guerrera brothers. One on Oliver. One on Francesca. Three with the home security detail and the rest scattered among lackeys. Each ring is distinguishable by its setting. Gauche, like those that wear them," Elijah explained. Charlie still hadn't been given most details but she did know these rings weakened Klaus during the full moon meaning he wasn't at his strongest. She also knew the Guerrera's played a part in Klaus and Hayley losing their child so she was game to help kill all of them.

"If they believe they can get the stake, they will come for me when I am weak. Each ring we retrieve will strengthen me, but I will still be at a disadvantage," Klaus added, Elijah and Charlotte making eye contact, nodding at her before he turned to look between Hayley and Klaus.

"Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely upon our working together. The two of you can no longer afford to retreat to separate corners," Elijah spoke.

After speaking with Elijah, Charlotte finally understood what Rebekah meant when she told her they were all grieving. Sending their daughter away and not being with her would hurt any parent. She, better than most, understood their hatred for everyone.

"This is our fight. Are you ready for battle Hayley?" Klaus asked standing back up. Elijah had asked the same question earlier if it were to come to that, Charlie was never one to back down from a fight as long as her family was safe she didn't care what happened to anyone else.

"Just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive," Hayley answered her tone cold and hard wishing death upon the woman who turned her over to the witches and ultimately forced her to give up her child.

"Her head will be delivered to you on a silver platter, little wolf," Klaus promised, Charlie knew either Klaus or Elijah would kill her unless Hayley got to her first. A grieving mother on top of an angry alpha wolf made for one deadly combination.

"I'll deal with the last piece of the puzzle," Elijah added turning and leaving the room without another word or a look back.

After getting word back that Elijah had handled his part, Hayley and Charlie got ready. Klaus would be upstairs in his study while the two women were downstairs. They were to keep the wolves away and collect the rings while Klaus regained his strength.

Two of the wolves walked past Charlotte where she'd been hiding. She snapped their necks easily, only one of them wearing a ring, Charlie slipped it off and into her pocket, turning to see Hayley by her side, sneaky wolf. Six of the wolves were coming down the corridor towards them, Charlie gave Hayley an 'are you ready look' and she just shrugged.

"I've had a rotten couple of months," She grumbled eyed glancing down at the ring on one of the females hands before lunging forward.

Charlie followed attacking one of the men, ripping into his neck before throwing him away and going after the next. He put up a fight, throwing punches at her, little did he know she was a lot stronger than he thought. Charlie grabbed his hand, ripping off the finger that had the ring before snapping his neck. She tore out the throat of the last man, who was quite messy , she thought as she felt the blood pour down her chin and forearms.

Hayley finished off the rest giving Charlie the rings she collected before running off. Charlie knelt down biting into the neck of one of the wolves, his sticky sweet blood filling her mouth. She drank the warm liquid feeling much more energized after that fight. It had been a very long time since she fed on a live body, it was much better than the blood bags. Charlie sighed happily before standing up and dragging all of the bodies into a pile.

"You always did like your fights messy," Charlie laughed, hearing Elijah's voice, turning around after dropping the last body in the pile.

"It's been a long time since I had a good fight and they had it coming," She shrugged walking closer to him as he pulled a handkerchief from his suit pocket holding it out to her.

"Indeed they did," He smirked down at her. Charlie reached into her pocket pulling out the rings they collected. Eight rings in total plus his three.

"There's one missing," Charlie frowned looking up into his brown eyes.

"I do believe Hayley is taking care of that," He replied wrapping up the rings and putting them in his pocket. Harley smiled, good Hayley get to tear that werewolf bitch apart.

"Charlotte, why don't you go get cleaned up while I check on my brother," Charlie cocked an eyebrow taking a step closer up to. Elijah took a deep breath as she pressed her body against his, looking up at him with big blue eyes.

"Oh, come on Elijah you used to love me like this, covered in blood after a fight," She watched his pupils dilate, hearing his heart pounding as shd pressed against him running her bloody hands up his suit covered chest to rest on his neck.

"Charlie," He breathed out, hands coming up to rest on her hips trying to contain himself as she tilted her head to the side.

It was rare for him to call her by any nicknames but when he did it was usually when he was turned on, and turned in he was. Not being able to stop himself he leaned down licking a broad strip up her neck, groaning as he collecting the thick liquid from her skin. Charlie sighed at the feeling, Elijah's hands tightening on her hips as he licked over her chin, lips hovering just above hers.

"'Lijah, please," The soft plea had Elijah diving forward before the words were fully out of her mouth, pressing his lips to hers.

Charlie whined low in her throat at the feeling of his kiss. She could taste the blood on his tongue as he slipped it into her mouth, one of his hands coming up to tangle in her hair and the other circling her waist to pull her flush against his body.

"Elijah?" Hayley call out walking into the house.

Elijah dipped himself away from Charlie, hearing her gasp when she was suddenly being pushed away hard enough that she slammed into the wall and fell to the ground. Hayley walked into the courtyard stopping abruptly when the sound of Charlie hitting the wall echoed through the room. Charlie looked back at Elijah who was wiping the blood away from his mouth and wouldn't meet her eye. Charlie felt tears well up in her eyes and she didn't know if she was angry or hurt but she was definitely humiliated. She sped out of the courtyard and up to her bedroom slamming the door and locking it.

Charlie ripped the bloody clothes from her skin feeling suffocated like she couldn't breathe. She knew why he pushed her away, not wanting Hayley to see them together, she just didn't understand why he did it so aggressively. She hadn't pushed him into kissing her so she didn't feel bad, she did wonder though if the kiss would help him decide. Help him remember how good they were together or if it would only push him away more. She cleaned herself off quickly deciding to shower in the morning before crawling into bed. She gently ran my fingers over my lips, still tingling from his kiss.

She though to herself, she may have made things even more complicated.

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